OK, before you all mock my outrageous amounts of vacations this month, I want it noted that THREE of them were here in Arizona and all involved at LEAST a 2 hour drive with small children.
So now I'll tell you about our latest vacation. We went with a bunch of friends up to a cabin in Pinetop -- and it was heaven. 4 days, 6500 sq ft, 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, friends (4 families went), cool weather and 2 babysitters. I don't think I ever saw my kids. In fact, I think I only put one of them to sleep the entire time we were there. They were having waaaaay too much fun with all their buddies and the babysitters to worry about us. I read an entire book, saw two movies, went out to lunch with just my husband, stayed up way too late, and went out to dinner without the kiddies. It even managed to rain a little bit every day we were up there. It was cute to watch Ellie dancing in the rain. Dustin managed to get some basketball and a late night game of Rook in there too.
We did take the kids to the 24th of July parade in Snowflake which was really fun. (See- I spent SOME time with my kids). I haven't been to a Pioneer day parade since I was little. The floats threw candy and all the kids loved running out and getting it. Between Nate and Ellie, they filled my purse. Some floats even threw bottled water and otter pops, so I was pretty happy too. At the end a big old fire truck comes down and sprays everyone. That had to be my favorite part (insert rolling eyes here).
It was pretty uneventful, but completely relaxing. Now we start the countdown until Lola comes! One more week!
Oh and in case anyone thinks I don't love my children -- I DO! I just like a little break now and then. It's a good feeling to actually miss them every once in awhile.