

We have a tooth!

It's true! At almost ten months, Nate is one step closer to being able to actually chew food. I'm not a big fan of the drool and the crankiness that come along with teething, but I love that Nate is one step closer to table food.

When Ellie was a baby, I didn't get all the hype over moving onto solids. I was plenty happy just feeding her a bottle. If only I had known the FREEDOM! I cannot wait to go out to eat and order Nate something off of the menu. No more smushed veggies being shoveled into his mouth. . .

Here's hoping that another tooth will show up soon! Although, I'm not holdiing my breath. I don't see anything remotely close to a tooth or a red bump while zooming in on this picture. I do see drool though. Hopefully that isn't grossing anyone out. When it's your own child, you find it endearing.

Later taters!

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