

In other news

Ellie got stripey tights. You'd think this was the most exciting thing ever if you asked Ellie. It's probably because I haven't bought her tights since she was 2 and she's just excited to have some she can actually fit in again. Ellie will only wear skirts, so I thought I'd better get something to cover her legs this Winter. Of course, Winter is still months away. . . it's so hard to wait sometimes!

Nate needs a brother. Seriously, the poor little guy is really into too much girl stuff. He *had* to have his toenails painted last week, loves lip gloss and this week we hit a new all time low -- the ballerina costume. Ellie had a birthday party last weekend where she had to wear a princess dress. As soon as we got her dressed, Nate ran into her room and grabbed the pink tutu and yelled, "Pllllleeeeeeasssssse," which is so cute in his little voice. I gave in way too easily, to which Ellie told me, "Dad is going to *freak* out." Luckily Dustin is so laid back he didn't have a coronary. Nate did insist on wearing it Sunday morning as well, but we all thought it would be best if it went into hiding for a little bit after that.


Unknown said...

Omigosh! I can't believe you posted that! Poor, Nate. But oh so cute! ;)

Love the tights! I can't let Erin see them...

Anonymous said...

OH tights!!! I used to love dressing Megan in cute stripey tights and skirts! Wow, that photo brings back memories!!

Poor poor Nate. I'm speechless.

(I have one of Trevor and one of Matthew like that too! Shhhh!)

Michelle said...

dude, I RARELY say this. Mainly because I believe grown children will be able to 'forgive' the fact that mommy took naken butt pictures or picking of the nose pictures. but this? THIS! NATE WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS! hahahahaaa

unless he ends up gay. LOL then he'll say, "see that damn tutu never really did fit right across the bodice"


Unknown said...

Omigosh, Michelle, you crack me up! I scared the dog with the cackle I just let out.

And I'd like it to be known that I have NO Ryan photos like this. Er, do Minnie Mouse ears count? ;)

Lisa said...

if nate ends up doing hair and makeup for a living we know whom to blame!! HA HA that is seriously funny though!