

I'm Ridiculous

1. I just had a screaming fit over a fake plastic spider on the floor. Like literally jumped into a chair and didn't move for 5 minutes waiting for the spider to move before I realized it was fake.

2. We have a rental car right now while our car gets repaired (someone backed into us). The other day I could not get the car to start and the steering wheel was locked. I was running really late and FREAKING out. I tried turning that car on for 5 minutes, called Dustin multiple times, said a few prayer. . . before I realized I had *my* car keys and not the rental car keys.

3. Food I've eaten today: Chocolate cake for breakfast, chocolate cake and pizza for lunch, cheese balls for a snack, and pumpkin bars for dessert. Now I'm sick to my stomach.

4. I'm ready to go to bed right now. . .and it's only 9 pm.

edited to add this morning's redonkulousness. . .

5. I'm pushing Sadie and Luke for a run and I am DYING. I can't figure out why I'm having such a hard time and wondering how many pounds Sadie has put on since Spring, when I start wondering what that random noise is. Turns out I had two flat tires and the parking break was half way on.


Danika said...

#1 & #2 sound like something I would totally do (especially the car key thing - I do that all the time with my car key in Kevin's car)!

#3 pretty much sums up my eating habits yesterday.

And I'm right there with you on #4...I'm headed to bed myself in a few minutes!

So...either we're both totally ridiculous or we're both totally awesome. I vote for awesome! :)

Amber Miskin said...

I absolutely love your posts Maddy!

Lisa Brown said...

Okay, both of your recent posts made my day and gave me the laugh I was needing :).

And I have to say, that I HATE those stupid spider rings - I am always getting scared by them, and so I try to steal them out of the trick-or-treat bags and throw them away. Why can't they make pumpkin rings, or ghost rings? Why does it have to be spiders?