

Birthday Girl!!

While Dustin was off at the great blizzard camp off of 2010, I took the kids shopping for Sadie's birthday party. A whole three weeks early -- because I'm awesome like that. I pride myself on my amazing planning skills.I even had all the goodie bags stuffed for these cuties 2 weeks before the actual party.

Then suddenly it was back to school and all the projects, volunteering, trying to finalize our Ragnar team, planning for Wicked and the Grand Caymans, Dustin traveling, getting the fundraiser for Girls Camp put together and I did NOTHING for Sadie's birthday party. Literally, I didn't even get all the invitations out. And then worst part -- I realized Dustin would be gone for her actual birthday.

The Saturday before he left, we decided to have a little family party and invited some family friends over to celebrate with us. Sadie requested "souflalalalaflalfff" for her birthday dinner. What? Soufellalalflaf. So finally I asked her to describe what it was. "It's the chocolate cake that Daddy makes that goes up and up and up." Oooooooh, souffle. My girl's got good taste for a four year old.Even better than ONE souffle is TWO souffles. Dianelle and Shreyas are foodies who always are trying out the best recipes, so Dianelle challenged Dustin to a souffle bake off. And poor Shreyas and I had to be the judges. It's rough to be me sometimes. I mean, I had to run 13 miles that day in preparation for all the calories!

The competitors:
Poor Dianelle used a new recipe so hers didn't rise unfortunately, but it did come with a really yummy orange sauce. Dustin won (woot woot!!), but I still managed to eat all the leftovers of both. And maybe a lot of sauce and ice cream. I probably should have run 20 miles.

Then we opened presents including this fun one form my parentsYou can use it with iTune. Unfortunately, I haven't uploaded anything form iTunes, yet, so I'm still listening to the same 5 songs like, "Baby Bumblebee" ALL.THE.TIME. And it comes with a microphone. Everyone has had a lot of fun with it.

I also picked out an awesome gift from us!Did you see it comes with 130 pieces? I'm a nice mom.
It's also a big hit. And surprisingly, I haven't found too many pieces all over the house.

Saturday night was fun. And then Dustin left and Sunday night I was sitting there thinking, "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING PLANNED FOR TOMORROW." What did moms do before the internet??? I found these cute Hello Kitty cakes and I had stuff around the house that would work.Plus Sadie had convinced me the last time we were at the store to buy the giant thing of cheese puffs. Plus we have lemon trees which always means fresh squeezed lemonade. So we had food at least.

I also had the amazing foresight to buy some games when we were out three weeks earlier. Like Pin the Bow on Hello Kitty and even better. . . a Hello Kitty DVD in case I got desperate. Which I did. One of Sadie's little friends liked my cake so much that she kept eating and eating until she made herself sick and then the poor little girl threw up. A lot. Thank you DVD for entertaining them while I cleaned up. But we survived and everyone had a good time, so that's all that matters. No one cares that I threw this party together in about an hour. There weren't any cute Hello Kitty headbands like I wanted to make or helium in the balloons, but Sadie was happy. Love that girl.

And of course the next day was her birthday which meant MORE birthday love and kisses. She kept saying, "But it's my BIRTHDAY!" anytime I asked her to do something. I think she got her birthday diva-ness from my sister. She picked Wendy's for dinner and we watched Despicable Me while we had a picnic and then I put her to bed at 7:45 because I was exhausted.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SADIE! You are so full of spunk and personality. I know we wouldn't laugh as much if we didn't have you in our family. You always bring so much life into the room and your dimples melt my heart. Thanks for always rubbing my feet and doing my hair and coming up with the most fabulous comments. Just today you told me, "I actually won't be eating dessert anymore because dessert is not healthy for you." And I actually believe you. You love fruit more than anything in the world and rarely eat anything else anyway. I love your cuddles, even when it's bed time and you keep coming out because you forgot to give me a kiss. And then because you forgot to give me a GREAT BIG KISS! And then because you forgot to give me a squeezy bear hug. At some point you do need to learn to go to bed and that being cute and complimentary will not get you anything in the world. Love you!!


Danika said...

Love the cake - so cute! Glad it all worked out - I'm sure it was super fun!

The Tyler's said...

Give her the biggest hug from me!! Happy Birthday you so much!
That is such a cute cake...I would eat and eat and eat it too!

Lisa said...

i love the hello kitty!! sadie is adorable. such a cutie!

Lisa Brown said...

What a sweetheart girl! And I want Chocolate Soufle! Wow, that sounds delicious :). Why doesn't my husband know how to make that?

Sherrie said...

Happy Birthday Sadie!

Amber Miskin said...

Sounds like such a great day and I can only imagine how much more spunky she gets every day! :)

Lindsay said...

Looks like a fun day! I love the cake too!

Rickie said...

Logan had so much fun. He kept talking about it at random times for a few weeks. As you can tell from that picture, he was one lucky boy! I think you did awesome for your "thrown together party."