


For Girl's Camp they have asked the leaders to preform a 3-5 minute "talent." Now, I don't think I'm talent-less, but pretty much all of my talents do not lend themselves to a 3 minute demonstration on stage. I really dislike the whole idea of forcing people to fit their talents into a performance.

When I was in HS my Principal asked me where I was going to college, I said BYU. He didn't believe me because he didn't think I was Mormon. When I insisted that I was, he said, "But, you don't sing." There are so many fantastic talents that don't involve singing, dancing, music, acting. . . and sometimes it feels like if you can't do something along those lines, you must not be talented. So in honor of all the others out there who don't fit the "Mormon Musical" mold, I give you a list of some of my most amazing talents:

1. Super Hearing -- I can probably hearing you chomping on your cereal right now. And I'm probably annoyed. Nothing can drive me crazier than my dad eating a banana. And poor Dustin cannot fall asleep before me at night, because if he so much as *breathes* loudly I will kick him for waking me up. I know each time my kids go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and I know when they are sneaking food out of the pantry. They think I'm some sort of psychic genius, but it's my crazy ability to hear every single noise.

2. Super Sweet Tooth -- I have never met a dessert I didn't like. I can inhale a dozen cookies in less than 5 minutes. Especially if they are warm and I have a mug of milk. I remember someone offering me *a* cookie once and being totally confused. Did normal people only eat *one* cookie? Because I wanted 5! Luckily, I'm pretty good at making treats, so I can make myself something and gobble up half of it without anyone knowing how much I ate. Then I will force the other half on my friends or children. My kids actually turn down sweets because they are so prevalent at our house.

3. Super Speed -- I can accomplish 8 tasks in a single bound. When I decide to do something, it gets done, and it gets done ahead of schedule. I even eat fast. It does mean that I'm usually waiting on other people a lot, which just gives me *more* time to get stuff down. And then I sit around and wonder why everyone I know is so slow (mostly my husband).

4. Super Bossy -- There are million things I want to do and I probably want you to do them with me. I will then convince you that running dozens of miles each Saturday, dressing up in 1920'a garb, or driving all over the East Valley with nothing but random clues is the best idea ever. (see don't I look convincing??)
Then at some point I will come up with another brilliant/fun/super awesome idea and decide that I don't want to be in charge of it, so *you* should do it. And you will because I made it sound so glamorous. I will then remember how bossy I am and start interfering until I have pretty much taken all control back.

And so I ask you -- which of these talents should I share on the stage at Girls Camp?


Danika said...

Wow - no wonder we are friends - I have all those same talents too! We are pretty much the same person, except the whole running thing! :)

vanessak said...

Maddy...I loved reading this post. You are are so talented. I feel the same way about I am not a singer, or any kind of musician for that matter. I will say that you should definitely share the cookie eating talent. That's just awesome. Especially since you are a miniature person and can still pound those cookies. I am sad that Kate is doing that cookie exchange and you won't be there to eat them and I won't be there to watch you. :)

Janel said...

I say the cookie talent would be perfect.....try to eat 2 dozen cookies in like 3 minutes or something. They would love it!

Amy F. said...

That was way cute!! I'm kind of laughing and shaking my head cause I think you are OOBER talented -man, the things you can do. I am a not-so-good multi-tasker, so I rely on people like you. I am VERY indecisive, so I rely on people like you, lol. I am that slow person (or I just talk so much I forget to eat), and I'm typically LATE, so thank HEAVENS for people like you!!!
I do, however, share the love and ability to inhale cookes, so HA!
I say share the cookie talent!! I know I would, bah ha!!

Michelle said...

Not talented as an actress? Hello, are you the child who made me house 7 girls during a drama festival in Vienna? And what about the awesome Cockney accent you perfected for that play?

Did I mention that you and those 7 house guests managed to get lost on top of a mountain in the Vienna Woods? And then ended up at "Heuriger?"

No talent, pulllll eeeezzzz

Love you!

Chelsea said...

I second Janel's idea!

Janel said...

Oh yeah, you are good at accents!!

Kathleen said...

this CRACKED me up. i guess you and kyle could always learn how to do balloon animals together.

Anonymous said...

You are the best niece in the whole world. Who else would write fabulous comments on the back of 50 favorite photos and fill a mailing box with a dozen cookies of a dozen different varieties of cookies to surprise her aunt at Christmas. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about you sharing your time and TALENT with me. Love Aunt Beaney

Unknown said...

This is fantastic! And I'm so with you on the super hearing. And thank you for calling it a talent. I'd been calling it one of my many neuroses... :) Glad I'm not the only one with this TALENT!

Mamacita said...

I think you should arrive promptly on time with a basket full of warm cookies. You should then challenge the bishops to a cookie eating contest leading them to believe it was their idea all the while knowing that you can whip their behinds. Then, while they're still chewing away you should sprint off stage. Now that's talent!

Amber Miskin said...

So glad to know I'm not the only one with the hearing thing. I can't stand being in the same room with adults who eat cereal just kills!

Whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be great! And I really love Heather's idea!

Lisa Brown said...

We just had a RS activity where we displayed our talents on tables throughout the room. One sister who is a nurse brought her stethiscope, another who is a runner brought her medal from a marathon she ran, I did a display of my photography, one table had treats made by sisters who are amazing at baking, etc. I thought it was so awesome, because it allowed people to see that there are so many amazing talents in our ward, but not one of those that they showed could have been performed. We would have missed out on all those amazing things had we had a "show" instead.

I think you are amazingly talented, but how do you show how you can throw the most creative party ever in a 3 min presentation? Can you give the girls a tour of how cute you decorate your house - especially for the holidays? Maybe you can run around the stage :).

Tasha said...

I love your talents!

Lindsay said...

Oh man, I LOVE this post! Such a fun read! LOL.