


So yeah, pretty sure you don't want to hear any excuses why I haven't blogged. Instead I'll jump right in.

I was going to write about Hawaii, but I figure I'd better give the kids some blog-time first. Last week was the first (and last) week of the month where I actually took care of my kids every single day. Can you believe it? Today Nate and Sadie are bored out of their mind because for an entire month they were playing with someone, running out to buy something for a trip, or hanging out with their grandparents. Apparently staying and home and doing laundry doesn't qualify for excitement. But if you're bored, it means you just need a nap, right??

Ellie lost another tooth. The tooth fairy forgot TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Good thing Ellie is the kindest, most loving person on the earth and totally understood. The first time I blamed it on having book club at my house. I said the Tooth Fairy must have come and seen people and decided to come back the next day. The second time we pulled the whole, "Are you sure you looked hard enough?" routine. You know where you go in to look and magically the dollar is there.She had fun with my parents being here. Probably because they spoil her with things like pedicures and new shoes. They also took her Wendy's for lunch at school one day and she got to take her cousin's "Flat Zach" to school.She's doing gymnastics right now and gearing up for her 8th birthday next month and baptism in May. Her favorite things at the moment are clothes. And shoes. I got a Garnett Hill for Kids catalog in the mail and let me tell you, she has expensive taste. Also, the two of us have completely different ideas of what we think she should wear. Other than her expensive shopping habit, she's just an easy girl to be around and the only one of my kids who would even talk to me on the phone when we were in Hawaii.

Nate is so ready for Kindergarten. I'm pretty sure I bore him on a regular basis, but I love having him home with me. He was a real struggle for a few years of his life and now I feel like just when we've come to an understanding he's going to leave me all day.

He is completely lego obsessed and when he's not playing with his friends, he's terrorizing Sadie. I think she is going to have a hard time than I am when he's gone next year. This morning while I was trying to get Ellie off to school he was chasing her around like Frankenstein. She actually enjoys that for some odd reason.
When my parents were here they took him on his special date to the Lego Store. While he was there he custom made some of those Lego figures and brought home some for himself and also a pack of girls that he made for Sadie. My parents bought Sadie some girl Legos and he'll spend hours making things for her.

Tomorrow is the first day of T-ball practice. Dustin bought him a glove and ball this weekend and he's so excited.

How does someone even begin to explain Sadie? She keeps me entertained, that's for sure. She got her first pedicure and started her first extracurricular activity (gymnastics) this month.
Right now she really wants me to buy her some "Holly Pockets." I told her when she cleaned up the play room all by herself I'd take her right out and buy some. Well it's been a few days and I'm not concerned that I'll ever have to make good on my promise. She's always coming to me with a better idea. "How about I go get ready to go the store and you clean the playroom and then we'll buy Holly Pockets? That's a good plan!" Nate and Ellie even went in and cleaned up about half the stuff because they're just that sweet and she's still not even close to her beloved Polly Pockets.

Her favorite things in the world are oranges and books. Probably in that exact order. I'm always finding books and orange peels all over the house. She also likes to sneak into the pantry, close the door and eat all of Luke's baby snacks.

Right now, Luke is driving me crazy. It may be because he keeps crawling over to get the computer while I'm typing, but more likely because he is teething and a great big grump. He's not sleeping very well and just generally miserable. Poor guy. I'd feel sorrier for him if he didn't grin so big anytime he gets what he wants.

He's drinking out a sippy cup, eating cheerioes and easy mac n'cheese (thanks Avery) and all sort of 9 month fun. Every time he starts to get up on his knees, I wish I could shove him back down and tell him to stay small forever. I'm going to trip him when he starts trying to walk.
In his spare time he likes to empty every single baby toy out of the basket. He doesn't actually want to play with them, just dump and run. His favorite toy is anything he can't have -- Nate's Lego magazines, our computers and cords, Dustin's blackberry, whatever book I'm trying to read, Ellie's jewelry . . . If I would let him chew on cardboard all day he would be content to sit still.

Alright, Ellie's home so it's time to start homework and get dinner cooking!


Kathleen said...

1. tell the fashionista to stop growing up
2. tell mr. lego to stop growing up
3. i LOVE that you find orange peels and books together-- i HATE holly pockets. should i introduce her to my massive childhood collection? polly is TEENSY
4. lukers looks asian, send him to my house!

Brenda Janda said...

I love your kids!!!And you are a good mommy too. HEHE

Lara Neves said...

Love the update. Your kids are awesome.

Sophia does the same thing. She is such a manipulator. Grr.

Michelle said...

i love those kids. They are the greatest. And I have to agree with you! Ellie is the sweetest kid on the planet. Love you all!

Chelsea said...

Scary that kindergarten is next year, huh.
Luke seems to have grown like a weed overnight. Wasn't it just last week that I was in town and he was swaddled in a blanket and teeny tiny?! I need an az trip stat....

Casey said...

No pictures from Hawaii? What's wrong with you? I can't believe Luke is already 7 months. Seems like just yesterday that he was a teeny tiny newborn.

Steve and Sarah said...

What cute kids! Sadie and Trevor are a match made in heaven...oranges and books! Trevor would let me read books to him all day! Now, lets see the pictures from Hawaii!

Lisa Brown said...

Loved the update. Your kids are awesome. Derek and Nate would get along great, as he is Lego obsessed as well and playing with them as we speak :).

Amy F. said...

What a cute kid update! I love it. Its so fun to see all the things kids are into at all those different ages. I think Dax is like Nate -he already loves building stuff with the big legos.
Ellie and Sadie are stinkin' adorable, and Luke just makes me melt! I'm reserving him for Sammy, okay?

Welcome back ;)

Meredith said...

You know when they tell you that the kids keep growing up and before you know it they are all gone? This is one of those posts that perfectly captures these moments. Love it.

The Tyler's said...

Gosh, Ellie looks about 12 in that pic with the scarf!! I can't wait to see her in a few weeks.
Fun update. Still waiting on Hawaii pics...I want to see all those outfits!!..:)

Rickie said...

You have such cute, sweet kids. I love what you wrote about them all, I think you captured them to a "T." Sorry about the easy-mac intro, we're hoping some of Luke's great eating habits will rub off on all us Bryner's. Next, I really want to see pictures from Hawaii when you get them from those people that took them for you.

Unknown said...

Great update! Everyone is happy and healthy and growing ;D Alton also loves oranges but can't have them very often because it gives him the runs. That's a random TMI fact--sorry!

Lisa said...

I think I would rather vote for a republican than buy polly pockets again! the horror!