


When we started planning our girls' weekend, I had a slight urge to turn it into girls' camp but for adults (ie running water and real beds). We made it awesome complete with a theme (Pajama Only Weekend/POW!), secret sisters and matching shirts.

8 of us managed to get away one Friday morning for the coolness of the White Mountains and the promise of a weekend spent doing nothing. Even our car ride up was fun.

People asked what we did, but the whole fun of the weekend was that nothing was overly planned. We just let things happen as the time went by. 
 only half of us got the memo that this was a goofy shot

We started off with lunch at Oregano's, just lounging on the couch while others ran to the store (ie a trip to the mall to buy running shoes), an inflatable bat fight, sneaking around secret sister gifts, a yummy dinner of homemade Cafee Rio by Molly and Diane and then Wendi taught us all how to screen print our own t-shirts:

Once all the shirts were made, Kristin and I initiated everyone into the Sisterhood of the POW! which meant that we could finally all put our shirts on. Only Kristin would be so awesome do such ridiculous things with me.

I honestly cannot remember the order of events, but I think we wrapped up the night all snuggled up watching Arachnophobia. I love a night in bed with all my girlfriends.

Saturday morning, Kristin and I went out for a run. The altitude and hills may have killed us, but at least we got something in. And Susan made us a delicious and nutritious green smoothly to counteract the french toast and buttermilk syrup we had for breakfast.

Sometime during the day we made headbands, pulled pranks (like freezing Meredith's bra -- this prank is about 20 years old and still as funny as the first time we did it), and went for a walk.

 Are we the scariest gang you've ever seen? We did get LOTS of comments walking around like this.Mainly from elderly people.

While Molly and I watched the BYU game (at which point Kristin remarked, "Looks like our girls weekend turned into a dude weekend"), Meredith taught all the girls how to make sugar cookies that look like us!
which one am I???
This picture was taken just seconds after Wendi and I ended up kissing each other on the lips. We both had the same idea for the "funny" picture.
 That night we played sardines in the dark. I cannot even explain how funny this was. Just know that at least 4 people peed their pants laughing during this event. In hiding someone sat on my head, Molly hugged me to her bosom and Kristin and I spooned.
7 ladies shoved in a closet
Before we hit the hay we played Loaded Questions and then I stayed up until around 3 chatting with Susan and Kristin in our room. I don't think I have stayed up this late in years.

Sunday morning, Kristin and I were in charge of breakfast. I am not the best cook but I'm enthusiastic!

After Breakfast we started on our collages. I know this seems ridiculous -- and it is. But that's what makes it so awesome. Everyone's collage is full of so many inside jokes and funny things to sort of sum up the weekend of conversations.

The last thing we did before heading home? MAKE OVERS! Yes, we hadn't showered or changed clothes in days, but we went home with great make up and hair.
 this was my before picture -- not my "after" make over glamor shot!
It was the best and most relaxing weekend I've had in a long time. It was absolutely perfect and we all came home feeling so connected to each other.

1 comment:

Lisa Brown said...

What a blast!!!