

Food Storage tip #1*

Because I love you, I'm going to give you a little advice here on food storage. It's the *BIG* thing in our Stake and they're really pressing for us to have our supply ready. I've been in on a couple of planning meetings for how to get the Ward prepared and what classes should be offered yadda yadda yadda.

So at one meeting, one of the ladies mentions the need for some food I absolutely hate and I mentioned that I would NOT be putting any of that in my year's supply. Of course she looks at me and says, "It will be great for bartering. What if you need something else? This might be the thing people want to trade for."

And it was then that my moment of food storage brilliance hit me!!! You know what I bet people would trade anything for? Beer and cigarettes! Come on -- in some huge natural disaster, people will be dying with out all the things they're addicted to. I am thinking people will trade ridiculous amounts of things to feed their cravings. And so I encourage you to stock up at the local liquor store! It could ave your child's life!!!!

*I'm actually only joking. I take food storage very seriously, but come on. . . buy something just to barter with it? That seems like a waste, why don't I just use the money to buy something I want, need and will use?

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