

Maddy brilliance at its finest

"I know you from somewhere."
"Did you ever work at . . ."
"What High School did you go to?"

These are all questions I get on a regular basis. I've resigned myself to the fact that I just have one of those familiar faces, as unique as I think it it. Sometimes it gets a little awkward as I shake my head no to every suggestion they come up with. However, I've come up with an answer that will never fail me. I'm going to start telling people I was on a reality TV show. That way if someone thinks they know me from somewhere, I'll just, "Oh, you've probably seen me on TV." Then we don't have to run through the list of possible meeting places, or distant relatives. It's the world's easiest explanation. Of course then I had to sit down and think of the lamest reality TV show of all time that would require no skill to get on it.

Think you recognize me? You probably saw me on Big Brother. Season two. And if you didn't see the show, you must have seen the commercials.


Michelle said...

LOL Maddy!
If it's any consolation *I* think you have a wonderfully unique face! :)

Anonymous said...

...i think i saw you on 'My Big Fat Obnoxious Wedding' (or whatever it was called).

Anonymous said...

you are a blog cheater. please come back to ours and post... i am facing death at the home of our brother. i need you to entertain me.