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Back by popular demand. . . more of Ellie's school work.

And so this blog will be all about school! Ellie now goes to "school" 3 times a week. Now "school" is actually a lo of fun I've determined. But that's the way it should be. Play is the work of children. I've watched Ellie do her homework and she has to put a lot of effort into making those lines. I also know it is hard work because she naps for about 3 hours on school days.

Today as I go to drop Ellie off at school, her teacher asks me if Ellie is always so quiet. I gave her a quizzical look. Ellie is rarely quiet. And I should know this because I taught Girl School yesterday and couldn't get the girl to quiet down. So I guess my daughet *is* capable of being quiet. For other people at least. From what Becky said, she works quietly and even raises her hand to answer questions!!!!! And this is why I will never home school. She doesn't do any of that for me.

So what is Girl School -- I'm sure you're wondering. Every Wednesday, my girl friends and I rotate doing a little pre-school type thing at our houses for 2 hours. Yesterday was my turn (as well as the first day) and it went splendidly, if I don't say so myself. Except that Abby didn't show up and none of us could figure out where she was. Turns out Michelle (her mom) had gone into labor at 3 am that morning. Welcome to the world little Lauren! Back on topic here. . . Those little girls are so stinking cute together. It is fun to watch them learn and interact. We were playing a game where they had to run to the shape that I said, and it was so funny to watch their little legs go all over the living room and to see their little minds switch gears so quickly. That being said, I'm glad my week isover for the month.

And what is Nate up to? He's my little buddy as I run him all over town and back. He is such a good shopping buddy. Today we went and picked up hand towels to make Hygeine kits for the Bishop's storehouses in the South. While we were there I also *HAD* to buy this cute little dress for Ellie, school supplies that were on clearance and about a billion other little things.

OK, I've piddled enough. I've got to get my lesson ready for Activity Days which is here today. And maybe feed my kids some lunch. I've heard they're happier if their bellies are full.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You crack me up Maddy! I've heard they are happier when fed. you'd think I know that. But rather sit here reading your funny blog while Kate squeeks at me! hahah

bad mommy. :)

(actually, before anyone calls CPS. She's fed, but tired. I'm holding her off a bit because her schedule is shifted. Unlike Peter, SHE woke early LOL)