I think I deserve some kind of award. Last week I made dinner EVERY single night and this week. . . I baked bread. TWICE! Yes, two loaves of delicious home goodness were made by ME! And that's not even the exciting news. Sadie started to roll over onto her tummy today. WOO HOO! After a few months of doing nothing new, we finally have something Sadie-licious to celebrate.
I was at a meeting when the whole thing happened. Everyone was excited to tell me when I came home, but I was so bummed that I missed it that I almost started crying. Luckily, after I fed her and got down to change her diaper, she showed me her new trick. And then after I rolled her over, she did again. And again. And again. In fact, she wouldn't stop doing it. The bad part is, she can only roll one way and after a few minutes on her belly, she starts fussing. So I roll her onto her back . . . and then she does it again. It is actually no longer a fun new trick, but kind of annoying. So tomorrow, we're going to have to practice rolling the *other* way.
LOL!! That's so typical huh? We can't wait for them to do something new and then we wonder why we pushed it. Jude is getting very close to walking...taking 1 or 2 steps at a time right now. It's soooo fun....but once he's walking....I'll be running ;).
I love it when they start doing stuff, although I guess that is when the trouble begins :).
Awww- she's getting so big!
I hope she starts rolling the other way for ya soon. And hopefully, she won't roll over and get stuck in the middle of the night- that was a seriously annoying stage! ;)
Maddy made bread? We're going to have to change your name to Molly. ;o)
Sadie is just so cute. I remember those days of only rolling the one way and then the fussing. I hope she gets the other way figured out soon.
Go Sadie!!! And go Maddy with the whole cooking thing. Now I feel pressure to start cooking...yeah right.
holy cow! look at those dimples!! what a cutie she is - you go, sadie! :)
Maddy, I'm totally impressed with your bread-arama. I was just saying to myself that I need to learn to make bread. Do you think I can do it? I need you to teach me. Remember--you introduced me to meatballs a long time ago!
I'm cracking up that you are going to *practice* going the other way. LOL I really must be the most slackerish mom ever cuz I'm pretty sure I didn't practice any of that stuff with any of my 3. I wonder what else I haven't been doing :)
Love them! That's a great picture too, by the way. With that dimple...aww..those dimples. And Ellie is too cute peeking over her shoulder.
oh my gosh. she's so cute. wow! my nieces are gorgeous.
love, lola
(how do you like that no pressure comment?)
you are the best sister in the world. best best best best best best.
i love homemade bread! and cute little girls!
So I leave for one week and all that happens!! Yeah for Sadie. This is such a cute stage for babies.
And you.....! Do we have a little Betty Crocker on our hands. Cooking every night is impresive. I'm sure Dustin was loving that. Congrats on all the fun stuff going on.
Maddy! I sooooo miss my girls being that small!
i want bread! :p
Ok enough! You cooked! We want new pictures!!!!
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