

Weekend Update

I like summer -- for about the first 2 hours. Hopefully this summer will be better since Ellie starts school again in 7 weeks. The first weekend of summer was actually fun. We went swimming at my friend Rickie's and then I watched Molly's kids for the afternoon. Thank heavens for the slip n slide. That night Dustin had "man plans" so I had some girlfriends come over. We watch Music and Lyrics (loved it), ate cookies and even scrapped a little (I know, I cheated on my MAS girls -- forgive me?). Saturday I went crazy and de-junked the Master Bedroom closet. I now have a pile of boxes and bags in the garage ready for DI. I love getting rid of stuff. It's such a great feeling to rid yourself of all the excess baggae in life. It is seriously my way of de-cluttering my life and re-simplifying. I feel much more in charge now that all that junk is out of my house.

The best part of the summer -- sheer exhaustion. Today the kids went to Tasha's for the morning (love my Monday lunch date with my husband) and then we went swimming at Michelle's for a few hours. The kids were so tired. Nate fell asleep in the middle of family home evening and Ellie was in bed before the sun had set. Now I get to enjoy the quiet! If only there was some good junky tv to watch. I deserve a break after taking 3 kids swimming all week. Seriously, though, what am I going to watch? I hate summer TV.

While Nate was at Tasha's, he fell in love with her little boy's Better Batter Baseball toy. It was all he could talk about when I picked him up and the entire car ride to Michelle's he kept saying, "Better Batte Baseall is fun." Over and over again -- wonder where he got his obsessive personality from ;p. At Michelle's we played trains, doctor, played in the kiddie pool, sprinkler, painted, blew bubbles, ate snacks and then went swimming in the big pool. 3 hours later, we get in the car to go home and I ask the kids if they had fun. Nate response: "Better Batter Baseball is fun."

And a quick Sadie picture share because I love it. Sadie is wearing my mom's dress from when she was a baby. It is all completey hand-sewn. I'm just in awe of all the hours and love that went into it. I just love that my Grandma can still be a part of my kids' lives even though we can't see her.


Lisa Brown said...

I am so with you on summer TV!! It is awful! We are so desperate that Kevin got sucked into watching the Bingo Night show and I have been watching Reba reruns - sad, I know! I need my shows :( - he he!

Kerry said...

Summer sucks. I'm with ya.

That is funny about Nate and the baseball thing! Everytime that commercial comes on, Matthew pauses the tivo and makes me come look at it. I think he's hinting.

Did you get Sadie's pictures taken?? Did you ever get my email? I never heard back from you. :(

You haaaaaaaate me!!! *sniff sniff*

Lisa said...

the best thing about summer is the kids literally passing out at 7 from all the sun and swimming!

Jamie said...

I can't believe Ellie is already old enough for school. YAY for you! :)

Sadie is so cute in that dress and I can't believe it's a dress that's been passed down by your mom. Looks like you just bought it at Gymboree. So cute.

Have a great summer, Maddy! :)

Anonymous said...

I miss my slip n slide!!!!

Unknown said...

I pulled a muscle on the Slip and Slide a few years ago. That really made me feel foolish (and old!). ;)

Love the dress!

Big Brother starts in a few weeks... woohoo!