

As political as I'll get for now. . .

This is why I'm not as politically informed as this season as I should be --

I sat down to watch Michelle Obama's speech and the next thing I know all of my kids are hovering around me.

Sadie starts off. . .

Sadie: Guess what!  I have all 5 senses.  I have eyes.  I have my nose, I have my fingers and last I have my mouth.  And my ears.  I was forgetting one wasn't I.  I can hear.  I can see.  I can smell.  I can taste.  And what's the five one?  And I can touch with my fingers. 

You see these bumps on my tongue?  They're called taste buds.  Any bumps on your tongue are taste buds.

Guess what, the fingers actually look like legs.

My teacher has a friend who can't smell anymore because of this (points to her nose).  She can't smell out of her nose anymore.

Ooooooh, what's in this bag?? (starts ransacking my bag of goodies for Boy School tomorrow)

Nate walks in. . .

Nate: Can you shave off my mustache?

I guess that's why they invented DVR.

1 comment:

Kristine Hodson said...

I love 💝 your house!