

Summertime So Far

It's officially SUMMER in Arizona. That means we have a low of 80 in the morning (when we run at 5 am) and it's suppose to be 114 outside today. Yay!
Our summer plans got all wonky and because of that we're home in June and all our fun comes at the very end. I was really worried about entertaining everyone, but we are 3 weeks in and so far we haven't been bored yet (well, the kids maybe, but not me).
-- Jurassic world
(no pictures because I was too busy screaming)

-- sleep overs

-- summer school for Sadie and Luke
(Sadie was in a Reader's Theater play today that we all got to go watch)

-- X-treme Week
 (my girlfriend's church has this amazing Vacation Bible School and Luke and Sadie signed up with friends)

-- fresh veggies from people's gardens
 (people know Sadie loves her some tomatoes) 

-- PURGING our house! There is way too much stuff in here. So far we've gotten through 4 rooms.

-- Ellie got some purple hair

-- playing with friends

-- our church flooded

-- weekly movie parties at our house with friends and neighbors
 (they eat me out snacks in a matter of minutes)

-- The i.d.e.a Museum
(also no pictures)

-- Bahama Bucks

-- Big Surf

-- And more Big Surf

-- Swimming with friends

-- Taking over Bounce-U free play

-- Arachnophobia movie night at a friend's "outdoor theater"
(I really need to get better at taking pictures of our fun events)

-- teaching Sadie to make pin wheels which are now all over my house

-- Activity Days!
(making salsa for Father's Day)

-- Breakfast with my girlfriends
(we were playing with the age guessing app and trying to make the most hideous faces)

-- Dustin took a trip to Budapest. It's a rough life.

And now we're getting ready to send Ellie off to Girl's Camp!

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