

Playing Catch Up

I'm so far behind that I can't even remember what all has happened since June. So unless I took a picture of it on my phone, it never happened.

The rest of June

Father's Day. I love Dustin! My kids love their dad. We are lucky. I cannot gush enough about him, so I won't even start.

 Luke invented his own food -- Cesarine Surpreme. It's a piece of pizza, chicken nuggets, and french fries inside a burger. It's so gross (Ellie says, "It's actually delicious") and Luke is so proud of it.

 We did some shopping for our upcoming beach trip.

 And sent Ellie off to Girl's Camp
 It was her last year as a Cooper 1st Ward girl. I love all of her friends so much and how they have grown up together.

 While Ellie was gone, we played a lot. Many days were spent at Big Surf.

Or playing King of Tokyo.

And Back-to-School shopping. In June.

Who looks this gorgeous without showering??


Summertime So Far

It's officially SUMMER in Arizona. That means we have a low of 80 in the morning (when we run at 5 am) and it's suppose to be 114 outside today. Yay!
Our summer plans got all wonky and because of that we're home in June and all our fun comes at the very end. I was really worried about entertaining everyone, but we are 3 weeks in and so far we haven't been bored yet (well, the kids maybe, but not me).
-- Jurassic world
(no pictures because I was too busy screaming)

-- sleep overs

-- summer school for Sadie and Luke
(Sadie was in a Reader's Theater play today that we all got to go watch)

-- X-treme Week
 (my girlfriend's church has this amazing Vacation Bible School and Luke and Sadie signed up with friends)

-- fresh veggies from people's gardens
 (people know Sadie loves her some tomatoes) 

-- PURGING our house! There is way too much stuff in here. So far we've gotten through 4 rooms.

-- Ellie got some purple hair

-- playing with friends

-- our church flooded

-- weekly movie parties at our house with friends and neighbors
 (they eat me out snacks in a matter of minutes)

-- The i.d.e.a Museum
(also no pictures)

-- Bahama Bucks

-- Big Surf

-- And more Big Surf

-- Swimming with friends

-- Taking over Bounce-U free play

-- Arachnophobia movie night at a friend's "outdoor theater"
(I really need to get better at taking pictures of our fun events)

-- teaching Sadie to make pin wheels which are now all over my house

-- Activity Days!
(making salsa for Father's Day)

-- Breakfast with my girlfriends
(we were playing with the age guessing app and trying to make the most hideous faces)

-- Dustin took a trip to Budapest. It's a rough life.

And now we're getting ready to send Ellie off to Girl's Camp!


Luke at 6

Favorite Number: 1,000

 Favorite Drink: apple juice

Favorite Food: watermelon

Favorite Color: red and blue

Favorite Dessert: brownies

Favorite Game: iPod

Favorite Animal: lion

Favorite TV Show: Teen Titans

 I feel sad when: no one is around me

I feel mad when: people yell at me

I like it when my friends: like me

I like it when I: was a baby

I wish I could: be like my dad

Who is your best friend? Briggs

Why? Because I'm nice

What makes you laugh? Funny voices
What is your favorite movie? Inside Out (he has not seen this yet)

What are you most afraid of? zombies

What is your favorite song? Snake Happy Birthday

What is your favorite activity? have fun

What do you want to be when you grow up? fire fighter

What three things are you are good at? math, art, and magic

What is the best thing about being six? That I get more friends

What makes you special? Happiness


Birthday Boy!

Luke turned 6! I can hardly believe he is that old. I can no longer shop in the toddler section of the store.

But we still CELEBRATED!!
He had been dying to open his presents for over a week, so he tore into those things as soon as he woke up. Dinosaur legos from Aunt Beaney, a sno cone maker and a skateboard from my parents. Our gift to him was his birthday party.

He had summer school in the morning (I put Luke and Sadie in classes over the summer to entertain them while we waited for Ellie to wake up each morning) and then we went to the store to pick out a cake. That's right, not only did I not bake a cake, I waited until an hour before the party to even pick something up. I am either loosening up or getting lazier in my old age.
He picked out a Skylanders cake from Fry's, where I paid double the price of a Costco cake for half the size of cake just so I wouldn't have leftovers for weeks.
And then we went to BOUNCE U!! The happiest place on earth for mothers who don't want strange children running around their house, jumping on their furniture and messing up their bathrooms. See the kid on the left -- he wasn't actually invited to party. We think he just found another kid's invite and gave it to his mom. I felt too awkward to ask who he was when she RSVPed.

And that night to celebrate, he went to X-treme Week (Vacation Bible School) which he looooved. All week long his sticker had a birthday cake on it and he couldn't wait for everyone to wish him happy birthday. I don't think we could have picked a better way to celebrate his birthday. He's still sad every day that VBS is over.