

Summer Goals

Every year the summer seems to drag out forever and I accomplish very little other than spending endless days by the pool, increasing my risk of skin cancer. So this year, I'm setting a few goals to achieve -- and I encourage everyone to do the same.

1. I *will* cook dinner once a week. Actually, after a nice round of "Maddy doesn't cook dinner" mockery, I've been cooking dinner all week. Who doesn't love scrambled eggs and toast for dinner?

2. Bake more with the kids. Ellie was over at my girl friend's one day baking cookies and Ellie told Jen, "I do this all the time with my mom." Jen was a little surprised and asked Ellie what kind of cookies we make. Ellie snitched, "The kind that come in a bag and you put the little squares on the pan." I've been ratted out. So I plan on baking at least twice with the kids this summer. This is a lofty goal for me.

3. Potty train Nate. Oh yeah, it's happening. Whether he wants it to or not.

4. Finish my thank you cards for Sadie's birth and Ellie's birthday. yeah. . .that's embarrassing.

5. Christmas cards. You know you're all jealous that I get mine done in July.

I'm sure there are more things I *want* and *should* do, but if I add any more, I won't accomplish anything at all. So we're setting the bar low!


laura said...

hey - those cookies in the bag are GOOD! :D ;)

and i am with you on the late thank you cards. you are not the only one...

good for you for setting some goals. good luck! :)

Lisa Brown said...

You have totally inspired me. I need to take advantage of the summer before it slips away - especially since I'll be losing my freedom with lily going to preschool in the fall :).

Jamie said...

Man, my kids are spoiled. Whenever I suggest using the cookies in the bag they balk and insist on 'from scratch'. They got that entitlement attitude, darn it.

I really like you cooking goals though. I think I could actually meet that one. :)