


This blog post will discuss the validity of the Easter Bunny -- so if you have no desire to know, DO NOT READ THIS!We were having a very spiritual Family Home Evening on Monday discussing Easter and the reason we celebrate it. Sadie kept bringing up the Easter Bunny and finally I was so sick of listening to her try and squeeze the Easter Bunny into a lesson about Christ's Atonement that I blurted out, "THERE IS NO EASTER BUNNY." Ellie already knew and I'm pretty sure Nate wasn't believing the whole giant bunny who brings eggs either, but I did feel kind of bad taking away some of Sadie's childhood.

She was sort of agog and stared at me with giant bug eyes, but we managed to get back to get everything back on track and finish things sort of spiritually. Then I turned secular and we dyed Easter Eggs.I should also mention that since I had spoiled the whole Easter Bunny thing, I also made them stuff their own Easter Eggs with candy. WIN for me!! Should I make them hide them too??Oh yeah, Luke was there too.And to wrap this up, Thursday was Sadie's Easter Egg hunt at school. First thing she said when I picked her up was, "MOM! The *real* *live* Easter Bunny came to our school and hid eggs." So I guess I didn't really rob her of anything.


icedgurl said...

is trekking your site! hug my blog and explore some trails! happy easter! ...TREK... :]

Casey said...

We talked about this at bunco. My take on this? The easter bunny is like magic to the kids. When else in your life do you have no worries and just get to believe in fun magical things like the easter bunny and santa clause? I'm going to let my kids hang onto it as long as they can. I still try to teach them the real meaning of Easter but they're just kids, they'll get it eventually. I don't want to make them grow up any quicker than they are. We were thinking of telling Mack this year seeing as how he's going to be 18 soon. Hahahah

The Tyler's said...

I'm laughing at Casey's comment about Mack...too funny.

Ya, I thought about telling Brody this year or I thought for sure he would figure it out but he is still going strong. He is kind of out growing the whole bunny thing though. He got up first and when I walked out I said "Brody, did you see your Easter basket"? He was like, "Ya", and went back to watching cartoons.
I think we will tell him next year.

Lisa Brown said...

Awesome! And I do have my kids hide the eggs - they hide them for each other, and they love it :).

Lara Neves said...

You crack me up. Kids will believe if they still want to, I guess! I told Bria this year...she's just such a believer in these things and almost in middle school. She is holding on to Santa for dear life, though.