

Whoooooo had a Birthday?

Being the first kid can't be that easy. I have some high expectations and I rely on Ellie for a lot of help. On the upside she gets a lot of perks that I won't mention for fear the other kids will read this one day and wonder why they don't get as many benefits. To my children in the future I offer this advice: work harder and whine less.

One of the perks for Ellie is her birthday party. Her birthday is at a great time of year usually because the holidays are over and summer is on my brain so I'm not stressed out or overwhelmed. I usually start planning it around February right after Valentine's Day is over.

This year she wanted to base her party around a pair of owl pajamas she has. I stumbled across a cute cute blog where the lady had made owls for all the girls. I immediately called my party planning co-conspirator (I think she'll like that better than "my sister who I always talk into my insane ideas") and asked her if she would make 8 owls for Ellie's party favors. With that, out theme was ready to take flight.

Ellie and Sadie were BIG helper. They designed and glued together the birthday party invites, which were ENORMOUS. I ended up just doing an e-vite for everyone, but Ellie still wanted to hand deliver some of the invites.

They also helped me make the cake.
Poor Sadie was really distraught when she couldn't come to the party. And even more distraught when every single girl we invited made it to the party, so there was no left over owl for her. Or Ellie.

We played 7-11, made lip gloss, played hide-and-go-seek in the dark, watched party of a movie, and went on a scavenger hunt for glow-in-the-dark stars. At the end of the night it was time for the owls. They were a HUGE hit. But, how could they not be loved and cherished. They are SO cute.

My sister is amazingly selfless and talented and if you don't have a sister like that, than I guess you must *BE* that sister. I am lucky enough that she loves Ellie and me so much that she put her blood sweat and tears into these. THANK YOU SCUTTLEBUTT!! And now I'm indebted to you for all of Livy's birthdays for the next 10 years.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

stop making me cry lately! you know YOU ARE a sister like that. we're lucky to have each other, and a great little ellie in both our lives. we really are blessed!