

A Camping We Will Go

Once again I was the Girls Camp Director for our Ward this year.  I don't know what it is about Girls Camp that makes it so fun.  It's dirty.  It's hot.  There's a lot of screaming and shrieking. . . But somehow you can't help think, "This is so great!"  Like when you win the Golden Plunger which lets you cut in line for food!!
Our girls are amazing and I was so glad that I got to spend time with them and especially get to know the Beehives and Miamaids better. Testimony night made me cry more than I have in years.  I love the Gospel.
One of the best parts of going to Girls Camp is that Dustin's parents come out to spend a week with the kids and we always get lots of time with Doug and Kathy and the boys.
This year we went over to go swimming.  Sadie latched onto Jake like she always does and Luke was in love with their dogs Max and Lucy.  I think they got a little tired of entertaining Luke and tried to escape into the house  Too bad Luke followed them.

Dustin's dad has Parkinson's and we are always grateful for any little bit of time we get to spend with him.  Sometimes he's pretty entertaining as well.
One afternoon we couldn't find him anywhere (he's been known to wander off -- one time he was off buying a new pair of boots).  After much searching and screaming we found him asleep in Sadie's room.

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