

Blogging Title IX

There is some rule out there that my parents enforce which states that for every blog about a female offsrping, there must be one about a male offspring and vice versa. Soooo, here's my Nate post.

Nate is trouble. All boys are so it wasn't a huge surprise. We like to call him Danger Boy because he's always into something dangerous. He likes to try to walk along the back of the couch and his newest thing is climbing onto my computer desk and unplugging all the cords. However, he is so stinking cute! I can't resist his trouble smile. Whenever he is doing something naughty, he just grins this adorable little grin and I want to eat him.

These pictures are of Nate trying to get up to the shelf in my closet that has some scrapbooking stuff on it. See how he was smart enough to go into the bathroom and get a stool? Luckily, he hadn't figured out he needed to be muuuuuch closer to the door yet.


Unknown said...

Look everyone- Maddy has a SON! (Is that ever going to get old?) ;)

Super cute little stinker ya got there, Maddy! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nate is Great!!!!! And what a cute little imp!!! I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time!

Love you, Grandma

Lisa said...

Don't eat the baby!!!! He is too cute!! Boys--I seem to remember them being loads of fun! ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I tell you Maddy, you have to learn to EMBRACE this stinkerhood of boys. Get photos, make pages, then show it to them someday when they have their own kids. Hahaha!

He is a cutie! I want to eat him too.

Maddy said...

(Is that ever going to get old?)

I sure hope not! Because that means there will be something even worse to mock me about ;)