

Hubba hubba hubby

I just wanted to write a quick entry about Dustin. I don't think he gets enough air time around here since the kids usually get most of the focus. Today is his first day at his new job and I'm super excited for him. Over the last year he was having a really hard time being excited about work, so he decided it was time for a change.

I'm really happy for him, but sometimes I have a hard time showing it. My life has also had a change and I admit, it's a hard one for me. It's hard for me to re-learn how to work my life around another person. It's hard to give up the life I had adjusted to. And it's hard for me to feel tied to another human being 24 hours a day. I'm tired on top of it, and sometimes when Dustin is going on and on about his new job, I'm a little jealous. I'm sure all the homrones don't help.

So I just wanted to state for the record, that even if at times I don't show it, I am excited and supportive. I can't wait for him to come home -- it's like waiting for your kids to come home from the first day of school and share all the new things they learned. He is an exteremly hard worker and good at what he does, so I'm glad that he'll be happy doing it now. :)


Michelle said...

I don't believe it for a second. You? love your husband???



Anonymous said...

i hope his first day was a success!

i have always heard that going from 2 to 3 kids was a big adjustment. (((hugs))) they are all so adorable - it'll get easier! :)

Anonymous said...

you left out all the crack up stories!!!!
love, lola

Unknown said...

It must be a cushy job since he was still at home at 10 in the morning... ;)

Congrats on the new adventures(s)!

Lisa said...

maddy--you are a sweet wife! and we know you have a sweet husband cuz we hear how he does such sweet things for you--like make you cereal! ha ha

having a great new job is such a good thing! trust me--odd numbered children are hard!!! #5 was my hardest!!! it just takes a little time to get back in the groove and have the hormones get back to normal!!!

Kerry said...

Yay for Dustin! That does make such a difference when they enjoy their job. Even though the getting there can sometimes suck. I'm in the same boat with ya girlfriend. I don't know what to do now that mike doesn't cook for me!!!!

We are women! Hear us roar! We'll give cooking a try.