My first clue that the concert was going to be lack luster was when the sheet with the "songs" and their lyrics came home. I say "songs" because Miss Marry Mack does not necessarily constitute a song to me. I guess it's slightly better than Cici My Playmate, but that would have brought back way better memories at least. Remember the alternative version -- Cici my enemy, come out and fight with me, and bring your dragons three. . . Something about sliding down my razor blade into my dungeon door. Niiiiiiiice.
Second clue should have been when I was singing some of the songs and Ellie had no clue what the words were. One song was Momma's Little Baby Loves Shortenin' Bread. Apparently the kids only learned the chorus and the Ms. Husky, the music teacher, would be singing the verses which include gems like: Three little children, lyin' in bed Two were sick and the other 'most dead
At least she didn't sing the traditional lyrics I ran across when googling the song. For heavens sakes, I think this song should never be sung again. SERIOUSLY! I'm kind of appalled right now.
Third clue: They had to wear their uniform. BLAHHH! They wear their uniforms all stinking day, we can't let them dress up a little bit at night??? They asked them to wear white collared shirts and navy blue uniform pants. Only too bad for whoever "they" are because like half the school doesn't own a pair of navy blue pants and we weren't about to go buy a pair. So they at least had a few navy skirts and some dark jeans. Hooray for indivuality one night of the year. :p
We headed to the High School where I noticed that very few kids had decided to rebel against the uniform like we had, but I felt confident in my decision when I asked her teacher if Ellie's outfit was appropriate and she said, "It wouldn't be Ellie if she hadn't accessorized."
Finally the concert starts and the kids come marching in -- a sea of blue and white so overwhelming that you could barely tell Ellie was even wearing pink. I was glad she was, though, because at least I could pick her out in the crowd. They had sorely underestimated the amount of risers needed for the kids and you could barely see half the kids in the mosh pit at the front of the stage. Luckily Ellie was on a riser. PHEW! My girlfriend didn't find her son until after 3 songs. Three really booooooooooring songs. He was unfortunately hidden three rows back, behind the music stand, and behind the music teacher who is probably as tall as Dustin.
The 30 minute concert included two solos by employees of the school. Super fun when I came to hear MY kid sing. At least one of them has a decent voice. I have to tell you that the screeching rendition of Shortenin' Bread was almost painful. Now, I know I can't sing, so you'll never find me sticking up my nose when someone's singing off key at church or in a choir, but I also would never willing sign myself up to sing a solo. And that's all I'll say on the subject seeing as how I now think the song shouldn't even exist.
I felt so bad because you could tell even the kids were bored. Some highlights were when they sang, "This Train is Bound for Glory" and Nate sat actually sat still and when Sadie took off running down the aisle trying to find Dustin who was trying to get an angle where he could take a picture of friend's barely visible son. I'm sure the audience enjoyed seeing my haul my pregnant belly after that kid. She is REALLY fast. She's also really cute as you from Ezra trying to put the moves on her.
The best part of the night was when Ellie came up to us and gave us a great big hug and said, "Thank you for coming to my concert Mom and Dad." Man, I'd sit through anything for her. And I'm sure there will be many more boring and long concerts/assemblies to come.
The rest of the weekend was fun: VTing, playgroup, Molly's 30th birthday party eek are we really turning 30 this year, Dustin had Little Philmont, Women's Conference for me, swimming for the kids, a Temple sealing, dinner date with my husband. . . I'm just sad church is in the middle of my nap time because I could really use it today. Here's the view this morning
Amazing what a good music teacher can do, isn't it?
Bria's programs have been so good some years, and so awful other years (like this year...BLECH).
I love the accessorized Ellie!
Amen to everything! Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so.
Sad when you running down the aisle after Sadie was the highlight of the night...I almost thought about letting Natalie do it too so at least there would be some good entertainment for everyone. She would have been a bit slower than Sadie since she just got her cast off.
uh, well thank goodness for accessorizing? they are all stars. yeah, keep that guy away from sadie! you are lucky, lucky, lucky! cutest kids ever.
you know i have to comment on the fact that she is taking a stroll with all the mexican toys you own...
stinky about the concert, and stop pretending you have a big belly people are still shocked to find out you are even preg.
I sent an email to Mr. Music guy about why the heck fire the kids have to wear their uniform the ONE concert they get a year!! (We get the the "other teacher" since one special teacher can't do them all). Like I said on Danika's blog...I miss Mr. Lunk!!!!!!
Laurie Berkner (as seen on Noggin - have some of her CD's they are great!) does a GREAT version of Shortnen' Bread - it is fun and peppy and fast! It is really cute...Mrs. Husky should give it a listen. It could have been cute.
We never know what we will get when we go to a school concert. "It's like a box of chocolates..."
Anyway! I was totally laughing at your comment about my spotlight. Random!! Yes, I still have all my lip smackers; however, most of them are destroyed now from Maisy. I'm sure if Brett was the one giving the information that it was a hoot ;D Good times. I miss you, Maddy!
Creepy version of Cici my playmate! Was that a Korean version? We call my mom Cici. I am a bit disturbed.
Totally agree with you about that song never needing to be sung. It's kind of weird and creepy. You are such a rebel letting Ellie wear a pink belt and necklace!!
I think I am going to have Chloe wear a pink or purple feather boa as one of her many "fancy" accessories to show my rebellion. It is so sad that a concert could be so lamo.
I LOVE your review! Now I have to go google that song! And I LOVE that you had Ellie stand out a little. That totally stinks to make them wear uniforms for that!! I bet she looked absolutely adorable. I was going to say by the photo, that I wouldn't mind borrowing that necklace! It looks really cute!
Do you ever check your email?
Ellie is adorable. And with a Mom like you, I love reading your blogs. You should be a writer.
If I had only look 1/2 as cute as you pregnanat I may have had more. NOT but you really look good and definetly not huge.
Ellie's teacher is so right! Ellie would not be Ellie without accecories. I love seeing what she puts on at our house.
So who would expect anything less from the original Fancy Nancy! Ellie would bring style and class and total cuteness to potato sack! Love Sadie and her fire truck full of toys -- so totally Sadie! You are so lucky to be raising such adorable little individuals!
Love you!
That is awful! Those poor kids - and poor parents for having to watch it. I love how you individuallized Ellie :) - awesome!
PS. I turn 31 in a few days, which is a little worse than 30 :), so at least you aren't as old as me - he he! I survived my 30th by celebrated it all out with all my friends, and I totally suggest it :).
yeah--i have to say music concerts are right up there with going to the dentist for me. although if you stick with it from kindergarten to 6th grade it's usually worth it!
Maddy...that is horrible. At least Ellie really looked great! Good luck with the pregnancy! Let me know what you're having when you find out...unless you already know...
Ok so we get it -- you were disappointed, move on! New pictures please!
Love you!
New Pictures already!
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