For Luke's one month birthday we had D's parents fly out so we could do a quick blessing while my parents were out here to pick the kids up. Can you believe I hardly took any pictures of the whole thing? And out of those, there aren't many good ones.
I forced Luke to where the same blessing outfit as Nate despite the fact that Nate was a chunky 2 month old and Luke is still the size of a newborn.
We ended up blessing him on a Friday since my parents flew out early Sunday morning. I loved having it at our house because it made it very small and intimate. We were lucky to have a few friends (Ashtons, Christensens, Tylers and Krassows) still in town for the weekend who made it over too. I feel so grateful to have so many friends who feel like family!! After the blessing we fed everyone dinner and let the kids play int he backyard while my dad stood on lightening patrol. I just love having our house full of friends and family.
The rest of the weekend my kids were spoiled. Especially Luke who has reverted to insisting he be held for naps. Dustin's mom
Luke had his one month appointment and he's up to 7 lbs, 14.5 oz. HOORAY and BOO at the same time. He's still not big enough that the Pediatrician feels comfortable enough taking him off the formula, so we're on high calorie formula for another month, but he's gaining weight so that's great.
He also received some fun new gifts for his one month birthday.
Made by Grandma Rogers
Everyone keeps asking what I am going to do with my time off. BIG PLANS!
1. Do less laundry, less dishes and clean the bathroom less
2. Hold my baby boy
3. Catch up on sleep
4. Make it to the gym to lose these last ten pounds
5. Re-do these cute girlies room
6. Paint
7. Pack up all my baby girl clothes and maternity wear and send it off for my sister
8. Organize and de-junk
9. Finish up Ellie's back-to-school shopping since school starts the day after she gets back
What am I going to do next week??
Natalie has learned to suck up to the men too! Her nursery leaders are a young couple and she's totally obsessed with the man because he'll do whatever she wants him too.
So glad you get a break! I don't even know what I'd do with two weeks without my kids...
He is so cute and teeny tiny! Good to see you on Sunday. Congrats on the peace and quiet at home. Enjoy!
If you start missing your kids too much you're more than welcome to babysit mine. That's what friends are for.
Awww...what a cutie pie he is, even in the too big blessing clothing.
Have fun getting so much done without kid distractions. Especially the one that says "hold my baby"
He is so cute! I hope you are enjoying the time with just him and not missing the others too bad.
I need to ship my kids off for a week or two so I can do some of that stuff!
Love the blessing outfit even if it was "up to his armpits". Enjoy your time off!
He's so precious. I wish we could have been there. He looks like a mini-Nate in that outfit. I still think he looks like Nate. I'm jealous you only have 10 pounds to go. I finally made the only 10 pounds left hump. So, let's work really hard together to try and get it off, K?
I still can't get over how gorgeous Luke is!!
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