

Well, this is fun AKA Why you should get your H1N1 flu shot

Let's start this off by highlighting my own idiocy: About 2 weeks ago I was sitting outside with my neighbors enjoying the gorgeous fall weather (only 90 degrees) and watching the kids play while we enjoyed a relaxing fall break. Somehow Swine Flu came up and I made some MORONIC statement like, "I hope we get it right now since it's break and we're already home and then I don't have to worry about getting the shot." Yep, I'm that much of a glutton for punishment. And because I'm so spoiled rotten and I always get what I wish for. . .

Tuesday Nate came home from Pre-school and when I touched him I realized he was warm. Really warm. Then came the cough. Luckily my sweet Pediatrician called me back at 6 pm at night to have him come in the next morning. They swabbed him and sure enough it came back positive for strain A of the flu -- otherwise known as. . . the swine flu.

Came home with his tamiflu and immediately banished him to his room, however the swine flu is so freakishly contagious that within the next 5 days every single member of our family came down with it. Except for Ellie, because she is superhuman. Her only kryptonite is strep. Ellie could survive the Bubonic Plague with her immune system. I guess that's the not-so-fun part of having a large family -- by the time you all cycle through the germs, you're need another month to recuperate.

The crazy thing is, it has been different for every one of us. I had the cough and a fever for a few days and then Friday I spent the entire day passed out in my bed with a 104 fever, feeling like I was going to freeze to death and alternating between passing out in a sleep coma and agreeing to let the kids do things that I would then take no responsibility for -- like taking a bubble bath. By Saturday afternoon my fever was gone and I decided to spend my new found energy cleaning the bathroom, doing dishes, washing and folding 4 loads of laundry and all the other crap that littered my house from 4 days of doing nothing. Bad idea. I am now WIPED OUT. So today I will spend wasting time on the internet like normal sick people do as I alternate between being cold and sweating through my clothes. And my house has already reverted to disaster status, but I honestly have no energy to move.

Dustin's bad day was yesterday and I swear Nate and Sadie never had a bad day. Nate wanted to lay down for one day. ONE DAY! Now all he has is a little cough but boundless energy and Sadie has a slight cough left over and barely had a fever for more than a day. She has had her typical sickness paranoia though. If you've never seen Sadie sick, be glad because she FREAKS out about everything. I think she slept with me a few times on Friday, but I can't be sure because the only thing I really remember is the few hours that Dustin made me take care of Luke while HE WORKED. I felt like making him do some laundry or something Saturday when he was shivering, but I'm nice. Instead I passive-aggressively decided to just write about it on the internet.

The sad part is that Luke is now sick. I thought he might make it through, but he started coming down with a fever yesterday and it was up to 102 by this morning. My poor baby is so sick and so sad. I'm heart broken for him. I'm just hoping his will pass quickly like Nate and Sadie's and not linger long.


Lara Neves said...

Man! That does NOT sound fun. I really hope Luke gets over it quickly. So sad for babies to be sick like that.

And Bria has the same immune system as Ellie! I swear, she is almost never sick. It must be something about the Union Square water or something. :)

Get well soon Rogers family!

Michelle said...

Wow! you really had some week. I hope Lukers is as strong as his siblings and gets over this quickly. I am so sad that all my AZ babies are sick. We made a little trip to Borders last night and will get some books off in the mail tomorrow while your dad is having his procedure!

And to Ellie -- you go super girl!

Love you all!

Steve and Sarah said...

I am so sorry, nothing like being sick caring for sick people.

Meredith said...

I know this has been rough for you. Over the phone hugs and doorbell ditched cookies are all I have been able to give you this week! I am just glad none of us got it while I had Molly's kids...that would have been hard to have some or all of us sick.

Rach said...

I've been wondering how you guys were doing. I'm so sorry Luke caught it. I can't stand to see the little babies sick. Oh, I wish there was something I could do for you. Get better soon!

Danika said...

I'm so sorry!!!! I read about your swine flu on Meredith's blog a few days ago. Brandon has a great immune system also. Maybe it's an oldest child thing? We will definitely be getting the swine flu shot (we've already had the regular flu shots) kids think I'm the meanest mom ever. Hope you guys get to feeling better soon.

Lisa Brown said...

I am so sorry!!! That sounds like a nightmare. I am really hoping we are spared, because I don't know how I will get them the shot. It is crazy enough trying to get them the normal flu shot - they always have run out by the time Lily is out of school.

Kathleen said...

um, excuse me, but where are the pictures??

Rickie said...

Maddy, this sounds EXACTLY like our story with swine flu. Everything is like, yep, yep, yep. I am so sorry for you guys. Hang in there. W will keep little Luke in our prayers. The thing I can't figure out about this virus is why it affects us adults so badly. Daven was sick for like 1 day, too. I don't know how he did it. PLEASE let me know what I can do for you.

lynette said...

so sorry to hear your family was ill and quarantined on break! swine flu is no fun and it's especially sad to watch your kids have it. thank heavens for tamiflu!

Lindsay said...

Ugh, so sorry for all of you!!! Hope you guys get better soon. Hang in there!

Molly said...

What a miserable week! It is interesting how everyone's acted so different. At least it maybe seems like you're on the upswing??? My friends 3 kids had it for 14 days, and missed 11 days of school, and she is now going on day 9 of being sick in bed right after her kids finally got better. This is craziness!!!

Mike and Kimmy said...

I hope you get feeling better soon! That stinks that the whole family has it. You poor thing!

The Tyler's said...

I can't believe you all got Swine flu!! My sister in law thinks all her kids have it too. What is going on???

You seriously don't know how excited I am right now that we get to see you guys!! You better let us know right away when you know when you are coming!! (Not that we ever have anything going on)

I was laughing at the primary breakfast question...that was for the teachers. We did a teacher improvement thingy.

Tell Dustin, yes I am very sad that I only have a boring blue suggy when I could have a fancy dancy leopard sunggy. Maybe then I would look HOT when I snggle up!

Lisa said...

so sorry for you!!! i hope you are all better soon!!!

laura said...

dang that really sucks, girl! :( i hope by now you are all on the mend and feeling somewhat back to normal.(((hugs)))

Chelsea said...

Carter got his H1N1, but since Cash is my asthmatic, they can't give him what they have in stock. So we are patiently waiting....and praying we stay safe.
I was listening to some talk radio the other day driving (which is sooo not my style) but I had to listen because some whack job was talking. He said the CDC and the government made the swine flu to help with overpopulation. The swine flu will only get the people that need to be gone from the world. So he brought his family to a family who had it, and had a swine flu party to help boost their systems. He made his family do colon cleanses while there, to help get rid of the old, and in with the new. I seriously was dying when this guy was talking.
So, moral of the story is...I'm glad this guy is a "looney tunes" as the radio dj called him, and is wrong. I would die if my bestie got nixed by H1N1 over population.