

Happy Birthday Sadie

Today is Sadie's birthday and we are celebrating by . . . doing nothing! OK, we have said, "Happy Birthday" numerous times, but that's about it for the day. Since Dustin is out of town (this is not new, he has been out of town on her birthday every year for the last 3 years) we celebrated on Monday.

She got Bosa donuts for breakfast, pizza for lunch, a party in the afternoon and Cafe Rio for dinner. At dinner we each took turns saying something we liked about Sadie. After every compliment, Sadie would giggle and say, "It's true. I'm really good at that." Then she would proceed to do whatever we liked about her (tell a joke, smile to show her dimples, give everyone hugs. . .) one thing about Sadie is that she does not lack in the self esteem department.
For dessert we let her pick anything she wanted from Trader Joe's. She picked Orange-Mango popsicles. That girl loves her fruit. I always love reading people's tributes to their kids on their birthday, but I am not really good at all that mushy stuff. Words could never capture all of her spunk and personality and I can never tell her enough how much I love her and how lucky I am to be her mom. So instead you get a birthday interview I stole from another blogging friend.

Sadie at 5

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Number: 5

Favorite Drink: Orange juice

Favorite Food: Oranges

Favorite Game: Candyland

Favorite Animal: Unicorn

Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony

I feel sad when: When people say, "You're mean."

I feel mad when: When my mom yells at me

I like it when my friends: Play with me

I like it when I: Open presents on my birthday

I wish I could: I wish Unicorns were alive
Who is your best friend? Brynley

Why? Because she is nice to me

What makes you laugh? Jokes

What is your favorite movie? Megamind
(I love it when the big kids are fighting and quotes, "Girls girls girls. You're both pretty.")

What are you most afraid of? Skeletons

What is your favorite song? I Love to See the Temple

What is your favorite activity? Playing

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher

What three things are you are good at? Telling jokes, playing and being with my friends

What is the best thing about being five? You get to go to Kindergarten

What makes you special? My family

With Sadie you never know what you are going to get. One day she came out and begged me to take a picture of her. "I look SUPER cute, Mom." I told her that she always looks cute. "I know, but not *THIS* cute."
About a month ago we were cleaning up the kitchen after dinner and nobody knew were Sadie had disappeared to (she's really good at getting out of work). We were calling all over the house looking for her when finally Dustin spots her on the couch. I look over and find this:"Sadie! Why didn't you answer us when we were calling all over for you?" "I was trying to relax at the spa." Oh so sorry to interrupt.

We are so lucky to have someone so spunky and entertaining in our family. Life would be just a little too boring for my taste without her around.


Danika said...

Don't you love those interviews? Priceless! Natalie and Sadie sound so much alike it's scary. Part of me wants them to become best friends, but that's also quite terrifying...think of the drama! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!
Fabulous Blog post!
EVERYTHINg was perfect!
Each question Sadie answered was the best!
Love Aunt Beaney.

Amber Miskin said...

That picture of Sadie at the spa is great!