

Gratitudes 1-8

November 1st -- My nieces -- all of them!  My aunts are some pretty amazing people and incredibly influential in my life. 
And my sister and Aunt Kristine are two of my kids favorite people.  So naturally I'm excited to have my own cutie pie nieces that I will some day woo over.

November 2nd -- My wonderful, beautiful sister!  I'm so grateful we could spend time together and lucky for how amazing and talented she is and that she shares her gifts with me. 
She is so generous and loving and had such a zest for life.  Anyone who knows my sister loves her and wants to be around her as much as possible.  So thankful we got her for 2 weeks.

November 3rd -- A temple.  I'm especially glad there is one being built so close to our home.  We pass it at least once a week and my kids are always reminded of what a special place it is.  I can't wait for the Open House so they can see inside.
  Our Stake had a day of Gratitude and the kids got to work cleaning up the grounds.  I'm grateful that they love the temple as much as I do.

November 4th -- My dad!  It's my dad's birthday today.  He is not only an amazing Dad but an even more amazing Grandpa. 
He is definitely the smartest man I know.  I know I can turn to him with any question and he'll either have the answer or at least a different way of looking at things.  I'm grateful that he always taught me to question and try to understand all the facets of a problem.
I'm so proud of how fit he has gotten and now can lug 2 toddlers, 8 water bottles and a million rocks up the hill!  Oh yeah, and run 8 miles! Plus he's the best dressed Grandpa around.
November 5th -- The kindness of others.  Today has been such a reminder of the good in the world. Whether it's big or small, so many kind deeds are being done every minute.   Today an amazing sister from our old Ward, Karen Cherington, made time in her day to sew on Nate's Scout patches for me.  When I offered cookies and such in exchange she told me that she was just happy to be able to serve. Nate saw his shirt and immediately insisted on changing into his FULL scout uniform and leaving it on for the rest of the day.  
What amazing examples I have around me and great reminder that the Lord's work is usually done through small and simple means.

November 6th -- The country I live in.  I am grateful for all of my freedoms and especially the right to vote! 
How glorious to live in a time and place where everyone is afforded the opportunity to make their voice heard.

November 7th -- My mama!  If you can believe it, it's my mom's birthday today.  I am so thankful that my kids have gotten to know her and spend time with her.  I cherished my Grandma so it's one of my greatest hopes in life that my children will be able to have the same relationship with my mom as I had with her. 
 My Grandma was one of my best friends and I definitely can say the same for my mom.  We've had our ups and downs, but it's because my mother loves so fiercely and loyally.  And as much as I think my dad is a catch, he certainly married up.  

November 8th -- Leftovers.  Is there anything more amazing on a busy busy day than to open the fridge and see you have enough food that you don't have to make dinner??  You don't have to come up with an idea!  You don't have to slave away in the kitchen!  You don't have to clean up all the pots and pans and chopping knives!  Maybe the kids will whine even less about eating it the second time. . .

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