

Other Stuff

Of course on top of the big things (race, Thanksgiving, baptism) there were lots of small things.  But  the small things are what make big memories so great.

I had a birthday!! 

 I'm officially 33.  My mom PROMISED me a birthday cake.  She even made me pick one out and send her the recipe.  And then she never made me one.  But never fear my Uncle Dave ran to the grocery store and bought me the prettiest birthday cake you've ever seen.  With pink sparkles and my name and everything.
(meet Uncle Dave)

We ate and ate. . . and ate and ate

And so we went on a 5 mile bike ride with the kids.

We laughed and danced and swindled money out of Aunt Beaney for stories, art work and hair accessories.

We set up the tree and decorated for Christmas

We had sleepovers and watched movies

We cuddled with grandparents

We read stories and ate popsicles (courtesy of Papa Rogers)

We said sad goodbyes

We shopped and discovered the world's best grilled cheese sandwich (Paradise Bakery -- and yes, my sister's face is actually frozen in this position)

We adored Nora and bragged about our dimples

We cousin crushed and BYU loved

We had fun!  Thanks everyone -- come again soon!

1 comment:

Lisa Brown said...

Sounds like a great birthday! I love your goals for the year - and don't feel bad about not getting them all done - the ones you did do were pretty awesome :).