

Dustin's Birthday

Dustin's birthday fell on a Sunday which kind of stunk because he got stuck at the church I was kind enough to wake up at 6 and make him breakfast before he had to leave for church meetings at 6:30.
I tried to make his day of meetings fun but there's only so much you can do. On your birthday in our Ward you get a little coupon in Primary to go get candy from the Bishop's office, so I figured we'd better get a giant bucket of all of his favorite candy to share. I also had the girls in my class decorate his office door. with giant pictures of his face with party hats they decorated.

Without realizing the date, I had volunteered to take my girlfriend's kids for the day since she had just had a baby. This meant I had 7 kids, alone, for church. Sacrament could only be described as rowdy. The kids weren't bad, they were just excited to be sitting with friends and my arms were not long enough to reach the entire length of the bench. Luke also had a massive bloody nose in the middle of the bread and water. I finally made it into my primary class where I told the girls that I had had a loooooong Sacrament Meeting to which one girl replied, "It was only an hour. They're always only an hour. It wasn't any longer than any other Sacrament Meeting."

Things were settling down when Ellie started crying that she didn't feel well and I felt her forehead. I got my girls into Sharing Time and ran Ellie home and got her some medicine before returning back to church to pick up the other 6. Once church was over, I managed to wrangle them all into the car and back home to play while I made 2 dinners and 2 desserts. Dustin finally walked in around 5.
With all the chaos of the day I didn't have time to make his dinner as pretty as I had imagined in my head, and his dessert ended up being still in the pan, but Dustin didn't mind. That's one of the best things about him -- he has no expectations and is happy with whatever comes his way.
After we tucked Ellie into bed we headed over to the Duclos' for a pumpkin carving/launching party which was perfect because then I could pretend like we had an awesome celebration for Dustin's birthday and we also had people with which to share the dessert I could not eat.

There were even some fireworks to celebrate Dustin's birthday (or was it the Red Sox's win).

Then we went home and I ended up throwing up all night. And *that* is how your husband has the lamest birthday ever. Thank you to our friends who saved the birthday from complete and utter failure!

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