


So Saturday I come home to find my lawn COVERED in trees and my windows spray painted. It appears that even though my birthday was over the Thanksgiving holiday, I had been struck by the Birthday lawn fairies. My sidewalk was covered in fake snow (which has since made its way into my house -- evil evil fake snow) and there was even a mini Christmas tree (also covered in fake snow) by door with a bag full of Christmas decoration goodies! If course the batteries in my camera were dead and Nate and Ellie decided to be helpful and picked up all of the trees while I was trying to unpack the car. When I came out I was so bummed that Ellie started putting the trees BACK in the ground. In the end I stopped her, because I didn't really want to bend over and pick up all the trees myself and we all know the kids weren't going to do it again. The trees are now in the office by my LIAR sign from my birthday last year (I told you I kept it Michelle). The best part of getting your lawn done is reading all the funny little things everyone has written. Love that. Of course I'll never live down lying about my birthday, but I can live with that. It was such a fun surprise! Usually you kind of know it's coming, but being a holiday and the fact that I was in sunny Avondale, I figured I'd slide by, but I guess I have FABULOUS friends. So thanks for thinking of me! LOVE you guys.

The tree has since made its home in Ellie's room since she loved it so much. And the Christmas decorations made their homes around my house. I was in such a Christmas mood, I made Dustin get out our Christmas tree on Sunday and we are now ready to go for Christmas. Hopefully you are all out decorating for Christmas now too!


Michelle said...

awww!!! What great friends you have! hahahahahaa

oh and it's not spray paint. It's spray SNOW! err...hopefully it comes off!

I LOOOOOOVE the stuff on the photo wall. That's perfect.

Anonymous said...

OH OH OH!! I love where you put the sign and the metal snowflake!! That looks awesome!

Yeah, you better edit so that people know that it is spray snow and not spray paint. We aren't vandals ya know!!! (Yo, scrapbooker gang sign.)

Lisa said...

happy birthday cutie!!! ya got great vandals--oops, i mean friends!

Unknown said...

It's definitely spray snow. The left-over can is rolling around on the floor of my car, making loud *thud* sounds every time I brake or accelerate too hard (virtually every time I step on the pedal...).

I can't imagine why you didn't post a photo of the other window... ;)

Anonymous said...

how cool! LOVE that jingle sign. happy belated birthday! :)