


So we're at Costco grabbing a gift and we wandered past the curio case where they keep all the glass statues and all that gaudy stuff that you can't imagine ever buying. Ellie is just in love with the stuff because you know kids can't get enough of kitsch. We keep hearing, "Wow! WOW! Oooooooh," etc. and Dustin and I are just laughing because we can't believe she likes this stuff so much. Then she realizes there is an entire other side to the glass case and she runs over and gasps, "WOW! Even MORE Grandma stuff." OK, sorry mom, she's not insulting you, just the taste most old people have. :)

Her other funny came earlier in the day when she was whinning and driving me CRAZY! Dustin had mentioned the other night he wished there were a fable about whinning, kind of like The Boy Who Cried Wolf. So I decided to make one up on the spot. It was pretty lame, but it was about a little girl who was made of sugar and spice and everything nice, but everytime she whinned she lost a little and eventually she lost it all and she turned into a boy full of snips and snails and puppuy dog tails. Ellie was of course horrified and stopped whinning immediately. After a few minutes of thought she looks and me and asks, "But Mom, what happens to little boys who whine too much? They're already boys." Smart little girl, what would happen to boys? They're already made of everything disgusting. So I told her they turned into toads with lots of warts.

Anyway, enjoy your weekends and holiday weeks! My house is clean, girl's night tonight, company is coming tomorrow and I doubt I'll be around much. Happy Thanksgiving! Gooble gooble gobble


Lisa said...

wow--that explains what happened to my husband! HA HA

Anonymous said...

that's funny, maddy! i love it! :)

Kerry said...

LOL about the cabinet at Costco!! I guess I'll have to take back your Christmas present now. Grrr. ;)

I LOVE your whining story! I think you could make MILLIONS off of that story!! That is pretty creative stuff there Maddy!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Unknown said...

Could you share that whining fable with Erin? Pretty please? ;)