

Dirty Little Secret

I have a total lack of motivation lately. Case in point: my lack of blogging. Also piling up -- laundry and the mess in my garage. And NO! There will be no pictures in this blog entry.

Today I came home and found Dustin folding a few baskets of clothes on our bed. I guess he finally gave up on me getting around to them. I sat down and started helping him fold them when he holds up a pair of tights, "Are these doll tights or real tights?" Yes, those are Sadie's tights. "When did Sadie ever wear tights?" Halloween. EEEEEK! I haven't folded laundry since HALLOWEEN! That is some serious laundry laziness right there.

Then Dustin tackled the mass of shirts by my bed. I have a seriously bad habit of getting undressed by bed each night and then just leaving the clothes there. Usually I pick them up one or two times a week, but the pile has been pretty big lately. Dustin starts putting shirts in the dirty hamper when he picks up a shirt that still had my I VOTED sticker on it. ACK! I can't believe I am admitting this here, but I have a real problem here! TEN DAYS things just piled up.

I am happy to report that after a nice long nap, and pretty much Dustin doing all the work, I got the clothing mess tackled and the baskets are empty and closets are cleaned. Even the garage got cleaned out. Best.Husband.Ever! HOORAY!

So here's hoping that this week I find some motivation!


Kathleen said...

maddy! we are totally soul mates!! i do the EXACT same thing with shirts!! lucky for you you have a bedroom with a door. my side of the bed borders our in/out door!! i love you! i feel even more bonded to you now, if possible!

Lara Neves said...

All I can say is this post sure makes me and my two baskets full of unfolded laundry and pile of shirts on my exercise bike next to my bed feel a heckuva lot better. :)

Shauna said...

Hey, I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :)

Rach said...

Could you send Dustin over to fold the laundry piling up in our house?? I HATE laundry.

Meredith said...

W have all been there! Although the pile of clothes on the side of the bed is Steve's, not mine!!! Dustin has yet again proven his awesomeness.

The Tyler's said...

Oh..You don't even want to see my laundry piles over here! I fugured out why I buy my kids too many clothes...becuase they are all dirty and in laundry bins!!
I hope I get motivated next week too!

Brenda Janda said...

It's sounds like we all need motivation, is it the change of weather? I can tell you now when you have 3 teenagers that laundry pile is two days later, I wish I could ignore it for two weeks but I think it would feel a room. Good luck on a good week.

jacque said...

I am in the same boat...minus someone stepping in and doing it. Laundry is one of those things that I get very overwhelmed with doing because by the end of a "laundry day" you still that day's clothes piled up so it is never really done! ARG! In fact, Makenna randomly said at dinner tonight, "Mom, you need to do laundry tomorrow." I am 3 year old telling me I need to do it! That's pretty bad!

Larson's said...

Hey,you are entitled to slack on your Birthday Month, atleast that's what we say at our house. It must be my Birthday every month. I'm always such a slacker. My laundry is always piled a mile high. I hate doing laundry!Becky

Amber said...

I definatley need to get motivated this week too! I have laundry galore over here! My husband keeps telling me, "Babe if you do a load everyday you will always be caught up". Yeah I just cannot do that! Although MY laundry has to get done once a week cause I still cannot fit into any of my pre pregnancy clothes, but that is a whole other story...arrggghh.

Lisa said...

if you find any extra motivation and/or energy--send it my way please!

lynette said...

here's an easy way to solve your laundry problem--move to singapore where you have the world's tiniest washing machine and you can only wash and dry 5 shirts at at time. it makes folding laundry a cinch!

Unknown said...

Can I just tell you how much I HATE laundry! It's never ending. I only do it once a week because otherwise it just depresses me to have to do laundry. Sorry for being negative ;D

Holly said...

You can't even see the counters in our laundry room. I have SO much folding to do!!! And...don't get me started on closets!!! I have SO much to do...Especially cuz we're having 43 people over for the Thanksgiving holiday!!! They start filtering in on Friday! Crap. Is Dustin available to come help?

Kaelene said...

So, if you DO figure out how to get motivated, will you please send me the link to that download? LOL I am completely UNMOTIVATED right now! Thankfully Jorge is being patient with me, because of all the work drama!

AZ Hey-mon said...

It seems as if you have created a big I hate laundry club. What I hate is when there are a few NEEDED things to be washed and I forget to get one or two into the load and am forced to do another load even if I am not ready to deal with it.

Chelsea said...

Get motivated already. Just kidding. I could sound like everyone else, ya know the whole, I hate laundry, wish my husband helped out thing....but what I will complain about is the fact that I have to go down to the basement, do the laundry, then up to the 3rd floor to finally get everyones clothes in the right closets. Who was Cody kidding picking out a house this big?! Ahck!

Nicole said...

I HATE HATE HATE laundry! I'm glad you are brave enough to post about it! I wish everyone did more "REAL" posts, then maybe all of us wouldn't feel like we have to "keep up with the Jones' "

Lisa Brown said...

i have been feeling that way lately too. For instance, I know that exersizing will help me feel better, but I am too tired to exersize. Here's to taking a break and then feeling well enough to tackle it all again :).

Casey said...

Scott helps with the laundry only because it's something he can do and watch TV at the same time. Unfortunately he's not the greatest folder so everything he attempts to fold ends up in my ironing pile. Did I mention how much I despise ironing? I would rather stick a pencil in my eye than iron Brady's little church shirts with the little collars that I can never seem to iron right! BTW I think I like these posts better than the typical "I've cleaned my whole house/got my christmas shopping done in June/organized every room AND the garage" posts that you usually write. LOL