

Toot toot #2

I know -- Braggy McBraggerton over here. But when you're an uber-righteous family like ours, your beautiful wonderful children fill your life with many amazing, blog worthy things. This one involves the youngest two.

Nate woke up with a little bit of a snotty nose and he's been a little congested all day. Dustin was getting Nate and Sadie out of the bath -- while Ellie and I were having an amazing mother-daughter bonding craft moment in the kitchen, you know the kind where Christmas music is playing in the background and she tells me I'm her best friend and she'll love me forever. . . OK, back on subject here.

So Dustin is being the amazing father he is and drying off the younger two when he has Nate blow his nose. Out comes his snot and it's blue. Hmmmm, odd, Dustin thinks and so he has Nate blow again. And what pops out but a blue plastic jewel!!! AHHHH! He had stuck it up his nose who knows how long ago. How was that thing not driving him crazy?

Dustin comes out to show it to me and we're laughing while he throws it away and I tease him that I should go get the camera for the blog when Sadie comes running down the hallway, "EWWWWWW! Ew ew ewwwww!"

That's when we both realize that in all the jewel-up-the-nose fun that we forgot Sadie is diaper-less. "SADIE! Did you poop on the floor?" Nooooo. "SADIE! Did you pee on the floor?" Nooooo. "SADIE! Did you do anything on the floor?" Nooooo.

Well genius child #3 is apparently not so bright -- or not as righteous as the rest of us -- because she totally pooped on the floor in Nate's room. Dustin did offer to wait to clean it up till I got the camera to take a picture for the blog. He is *so* thoughtful.


Kathleen said...

can't stop laughing. did nate get kick out of blue snot??

genius child BHAHAHAHAHA

lynette said...

blue snot? i'm so intrigued...

Kerry said...


I remember days like that. This story reminded me how happy I am to be out of the diaper stage! YAY!
(sorry!) ;)

Lara Neves said...

Too funny!

I'm just trying to imagine how the jewel actually turned his snot blue in the first place?

Rogers said...

Your blog always cracks me up. I love reading about your family adventures. You do have an amazing family! We love you guys! Great job on running 10+ miles...I am jealous that you actually did it.

Molly said...

Great stories! I love those kids, good job with the jewel Nate!

Chelsea said...

HAHA!!!!!!! This is grrreat! (Tony Tiger style)
I am a tad sad you didn't get a photo of the blue snot. Really, that is crazy. Was it breaking down the paint on it? Hopefully he doesn't have some paint induced sinus infection. Creepy! Was it made in China? Careful for the lead...

Anonymous said...

well, i'm glad someone is in charge. is it sadie?

Meredith said...

Crud - a jewel bead up the least he went for blue and not his usual pink fare!

Kaelene said...
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Kaelene said...

can't . . . . stop . . . . laughing!! Poor Nate, does he remember putting that up his nose?
And Sadie . . . a true politician, to deny everything!
I LOVE reading your stories, and I'm VERY glad that you didn't get the camera for the poop! ♥

Maddy said...
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Dustin said...

Ok, i need to clarify. the snot was not blue. Rather there looked to be a Large booger in his nose. So i had him blow. After the wipe i noticed that there was something blue in the midst of the neon green snot. Upon further inspection i realized it was a jewel and i had to pick it out. i was properly protected with a tissue.

Brenda Janda said...

You are awesome on the run. Very impressive.
Your kids are amazing and you should be a proud a Mom.
On the note of Nate and the snot thing ask Kyle about the balloon up the nose story, or better yet ask Morgan or Mitch I am sure they will make it more interesting.
Have a great day.
LOl, Sadie you are the cutest!!!

Kathleen said...

i am trying to call you. i have a very serious desire to start an ABBA tribute band.

Shauna said...

Please do not post any pictures with any bodily fluids or solids of any kind!!

Burwell's Bits said...

I have a carpet shampooer if you need it. He He He

Lisa Brown said...

Okay, I am still laughing! I have had a few times where I totally forgot derek was diaperless - ahh, adventures.

AZ Hey-mon said...

These are awesome! I love the bead up the nose story. That should live forever.
You are awesome for doing that Run.
I am always impressed by you.

Unknown said...

Bwahahaha!I'm not sure which story grosses me out more... ;)

Rach said...

HA!HA!HA! Actually, I am glad you didn't post a picture of either of those events. Reading about it was HILLARIOUS, but I'm not sure I would want to see it!

Nicole said...

so funny! and yes if only we all had such "wonderful" children to blog about! I wonder how long the jewel was up there?? ummm and have you ever had a child poop on you in the shower?? Oh, the joys of having children!!!

Kathleen said...

boring boring boring

Lisa said...

i had to take haley to the emergency room for a bead stuck up her nose. funny stuff. when it's not your kid!

Anonymous said...

ah man -- isn't time for new pics and a new post?
Love you!