

Only my sister need apply. . . and randomness

First order of business:
So my friend Brenda is doing a cute give away on her blog, but the catch is -- you in turn have to have a give away. I'm pretty sure everyone would be scared of what I had to offer -- so my feelings will not be hurt if not everyone runs over to sign up. Here are the rules

The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It'll be done this year (hopefully sooner than later.)
4. You will have no clue what it is going to be.
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.
I did not make up the rules -- I SWEAR! These are the REAL rules.

The catch? Oh the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did will win a marvelous homemade gift by me!
Let the games begin!!

my niece's teacher's husband -- got all that-- is on AMERICAN IDOL!! So if you've got a spare vote, could you vote for Brent Keith?? My niece is really super cute and I know she would appreciate it.

I was cleaning out the pig sty that is Ellie's room on Monday why do I feel like I could write this every day where I found loads of Valentine's candy wrappers and just general junk. When Ellie came home I proceeded to lecture her on the importance of keeping her room clean. She then went into the playroom and came out with a card: Dear Mom, I'm sorry my room is a giant trash can. Love, Ellie.random picture found on my camera this afternoon


Kathleen said...

kathleen inger skinner (BLECH)
14 Bromley Dr.
Williamsburg, VA

AZ Hey-mon said...

Love that she put trash can in her note. Did she put quotations on it?

Kyle said...

kyles thomas jeberdiah skinner
14 bromley dr
williamsburg, va 23185

Lara Neves said...

That note is hilarious. And Bria has the same giant trash can for a room. Sigh.

Meredith said...

I will play. :) And I have never gotten an I'm sorry note. You seem to get those a lot. I sometimes get an I'm Sorry sob story but no note. Lucky.

Meredith said...

Ah crap - is it really just for Kathleen? No one else is allowed to get stuff made by you?!!?

Maddy said...

Nah, you're good Mer. I just meant -- only my sister needs to feel guilted into this ;p

Anonymous said...

I love that Ellie! She sends the best notes. I got several while I was there. I especially love the note -- "I made this for you because I love you!" And you haven't lived until you have flown a Nate paper airplane. No one wads up an airplane like Nate! I did get a few notes from Sadie too! And Ellie's phone calls to tell me how much she misses me really touch my heart! You are such a good mom to teach the kids to send cute little messages like that!

BTW -- I need the kids crocs sizes!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

ellie rules!

Mamacita said...

Love the picture of Ellie! She is such a sweetheart. I'm sure she was just eating all that candy to stay sweet! Hang in there. Warning: teenagers' rooms are 100x worse!

Mamacita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chelsea said...

Oh man! As much as I would love a Brenda and a Maddy treat, I just signed up for one of these gigs last week. But I haven't blogged it yet. And mine is only 3 people, so I guess it's a bit better for the world to only have to have 3 Chelsea crafts floating around.
Ellie' note is my favorite. She really writes the funniest things ever!

Molly said...

Ellie's notes are the cutest things ever. I was going to comment earlier but I didn't want to be one of the first 5. Not because I wouldn't love something made by you because I am sure it would be amazing! I just don't have the time to do it on my blog. You are all over achievers.

Kathleen said...

that picture of ellie looks fake. did you photoshop the background in because your house is messy??

Kat said...

Ellie's note along with that picture..... hahaha! She is so funny :)

Maddy said...


ellie: 1/2
nate: 11/12
sadie: 7/8

Lisa Brown said...

Man, every time I go a week or two without checking people's blogs, they always have a give away. Oh well :). And that note from Ellie is priceless. It reminds me of one i got from my niece Megan when she was 7 - "Dear Lisa, I am going to tell my mom I hate you. Love Megan." He he!