I tired explaining that Polynesian men LOVE wearing flowers and if you want to see a big manly man, it would be a Tongan! Finally we google searched images where I could show him football-sized man after football-sized man wearing a lei and a flower shirt. PHEW!
Other time google images worked for me: shots. Nate cried for THREE days after he got his shots. I'm not sure why because he was getting absolutely no sympathy for me, but I'm pretty sure Nate thinks whining is a talent that must be developed. So finally I sat him down on the computer and showed him what kids who have had Polio, mumps, measles and rubella look like. He finally agreed that the shots were way better than that. HOORAY! And then I ripped those band aids off and he cried some more.
In weekend news -- Saturday morning we decided to see if the kids had learned their lesson from last week and asked them to clean up. The kids managed to get their chores done by noon. So they shaved 6 hours off their best time and even managed to get lunch :D My bathroom was pretty bad so I called my mom, who is coming tomorrow, and asked her if she could please clean my bathroom for me. I even gave her that whole, "WAHHHH I have three kids and I'm pregnant so I can't do anything" sob story apparently Nate didn't fall far from the tree. You know what she told me?? NO! She said, "I'm coming to play with the kids." Obviously my lack of compassion also comes honestly. So I cleaned my bathroom all by myself, and by *I* cleaned my bathroom, I mean Dustin did, because I was busy shouting encouraging things to the kids like, "I am going to vacuum in ten minutes and any toys left on the floor are getting sucked up." I really was being productive elsewhere in the house in my defense.
Then that night we managed to find a babysitter, despite Alex Rogers being in town and every single YW from our Ward wanting to hang out with her, so I'm no longer speaking to Dori ;p. She was new and Nate could not remember her name and called her Teacher all night. Ellie liked her because "she was pretty and had a sparkly shirt." The feat of finding a babysitter was totally worth it because we got to hang out with some of D's old mission companions who we only see ooooooh, about every time I am pregnant. So I guess we'll never get to see them again since this is the last baby. EVER! It is such a small world since it turns out one of the couples went to HS with our neighbor, one of our good friends and works with my mom's cousin. Mesa is like a secret society although I think I know enough people to be "in" -- I SWEAR!
And Sunday I got my new calling -- Sunday School teacher. I am really excited. The class actually TALKS and they make me laugh, although I did have to confiscate Skylar's lolli-pops TWICE sorry Becky.
Did you scar Nate for life with pictures of mumps and measles and polio and all that? Good thinking though...I do gotta hand it to ya!
Enjoy your new calling!
he looks pretty stylin even though the sunglasses are slightly gay.
thank you for showing me the messy bun, i feel like a whole new world has been opened up to me.
what are you going to do when your kids realized toys can't be sucked through the vacuum cleaner?
Your posts always crack me up! I think it is hillarious that Nate will wear a tutu and not put on a lei and a shirt with flowers because they are for girls!
Tutus must not be just for girls. I bet you could google search and find plenty of men in them. Or not.
Glad he finally complied. :)
That is so funny about Nate. And that cracks me up about your Mom (tough love ;). Oh, and please don't hesitate to ask me to babysitt. I can bring Dax over anytime.
I haven't signed Ellie's cast yet! I see her, but never have a marker on hand. That is so funny. I think people are still caught up in the internet hype -I mean how could we not be, its like the coolest thing ever to be able to connect to people, even if it is just through blogs.
Talk to ya later neighbor.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who threatens to suck up toys with the vacuum cleaner. Except I just turn it on and start...that gets 'em moving pretty darn quick!
You crack me up! I love your parenting stratagies, you should write a book. And what a fun sunday school teacher you would be. I want to come to your class!
See you Tuesday! Snip, snip!
Ok, Sky failed to tell me about that. He was suppose to teach Brooki and Elli's class so he took them as a bribe for reverence. Apparently he needed the bribing. He didn't have to teach since Sister Stewart ended up being there. I will tell him that if he doesn't behave his mommy will have to come sit by him in sunday school. Good job on convincing Nate to wear his cool Hawaiian wear, he looked awesome!
Ah, there's nothing like a cute guy in a tropical print shirt to turn a girl's head -- what a dude! I love that kid! And Ellie -- what a model -- look out project runway!
Look out Mommy, we are going to have so much fun and no cleaning allowed!
Love you all
If I ever need a laugh I come to your blog! I was rolling laughing the whole time. thanks I really needed a good laugh. Alexandrea had a blast visiting this weekend. We will try and make it up to you. Congrats on your new calling! Alex wishes she had you for a teacher. Love your kids...love your mom!
baba has only one goal/duty: spoil the children, spoil the children. enjoy your vaca! nate is the bomb. and ellie. and sadie.
ok, so my kids think that for every little mess they make, i can just call housekeeping to come clean it up. when i asked carly to pick up her toys the other day she picked up the phone and asked what number was "the maid's." she got a very LOUD lesson on obedience and self reliance.
I love the little comments. You make me laugh Maddy!
And a new calling? Have fun in Sunday School!
I ♥ your candor and stories! I guess your mom is caring for the kids during the Mexico vacay??
Have fun, hooker!
What a great idea to show the pictures of the diseases. i have thought about doing that to some adults I know who don't "believe" in immunizations :).
make sure you show nate pics of crack addicts and hookers so he stays away from that stuff! LOL
of course that can be taken away with penicillin so no biggie! LOL
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