

Easter Sunday

I try and keep the secular aspects of Easter to a minimum. I do like the fun of the hunt, new clothes and having some goodies in their Easter baskets, though. Every year I swear I'm going to do it on Saturday and every year we get too busy. This year I was insistent that I was going to get everything ready Friday night. Of course, I ended up being exhausted after all the girls left Ellie's party and I decided that I'd just do it on Sunday like every other year. I headed off to bed, looking forward to sleeping in.

Of course Nate had overheard me saying I was hiding the eggs for Saturday and unaware of my sudden slothfulness, woke up Saturday morning at 6 am wondering where all the eggs were hidden.

Sunday was pretty much a repeat and all of the kids were in bed with us by 6:30 waiting for Luke to wake up so they go hunting. I am NOT looking forward to how early they're going to wake up for Christmas this year if this was their reaction to Easter.
To sum up the morning, let's just say the kids loved their baskets (sidewalk chalk, new swim suits, clothes and toys) but they are horrible egg seekers. A few days later I was still finding eggs in my shoes or behind pillows.
Despite missing a few dozen eggs, there still seemed to be plenty of candy. I think it's pretty much all that I ate the entire day. That and leftover cake from Ellie's party and birthday. In fact the only healthy food we ate all day was when we went to dinnerat my mom's Uncle Floyd's house. It was amazing to be with family on such a special day and we are so lucky to have some close by who adopt us whenever we need it.

I did try and take some picture of all the kids together and failed miserably. I think we all know who the problem was:I will even admit that I may have thrown a fit similar to Luke at one point in the day because I couldn't get them to just.sit.still.
Oh well, I will remember exactly what they were like at this point. A little wild, but perfectly mine!


Lisa Brown said...

You should have just had Nate hide the eggs :). I have my kids hide each other's eggs and they love it, and it saves me work - he he!

Kathleen said...

oh my gosh, they are so cute and by cute i mean GORGEOUS! even that stinker, lukas magukas.

Rickie said...

Such cuties! I'm chuckling at Ellie's organized her. Love it!