

Thumbs up!

Have you ever tried to give something up for Lent? Well I thought about it once (and then Dustin informed me that it was kind of ridiculous to give something up for Lent if you weren't Catholic) and the idea of going cold turkey on my favorite thing gave me the shakes. I have the will power of . . . well someone with no will power.

The other day Sadie decided to give her thumb up. It may have been because Ellie told her she would have to get braces and couldn't eat gummy worms. Or it could have been because I bought a La La Loopsy doll at Target an told her she could have it when she stopped sucking her thumb. But she gave it up.
I've tried to get her to do it multiple times before, but she appeared to also be lacking the will power gene. BUT, for some reason, it's magically working this time. She's gone FOUR days without sucking it. Could this really be? I'm really proud of her but slightly incredulous. Is she taking off the bandaids off at night when I'm not looking?? When she goes to the bathroom is she getting a quick fix? This girl LOVES (loved?) her thumb. It had blisters and cracks from being sucked so much. And now. . . nothing?

I keep randomly walking up to her and feeling her thumbs. So far they're dry. Except for the time she was eating an apples and then they were sticky. Cross your fingers!!!

In other great news. . .
It's almost Christmas time! Which means. . . ELF is on TV. Our big plans for the day: First we'll make snow angels for a two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookie dough as fast as we can, and then we'll snuggle.

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