OK, things are cray around here keeping me busy for updating this. I love September because it brings the promise of cool weather and the structure of school being back in session. Of course that also means the lazy days of summer are over. There are commitments to be filled, schedules to follow and too much to do before the end of the year.
Since I last updated this thing:
*We had Stake Conference -- Elder Perry came (so we made it to both the Adult Session Sat night and the Sunday morning one)
*We went to an Ice Cream Party
*Lola babysat a LOT that weekend
*Dayton and Wyatt came over to play
* We had FHE on the Sabbath Day
*Ellie went to Pre-school 4 times
* I went to a Shade Clothing Party
* Ellie had Gril School twice
* Dustin lost his fantasy football game one week
* Dustin won his fantasy football game the next week, and the weekly prize
* Ellie and I went to Pump It Up on a school field trip (veeeeeery educational)
*I had Activity Days at my house. One little girl's father left her here until 7 pm
*We had playgroup at our park
* Dustin's EQ Pinewood derby was re-scheduled -- and then re-scheduled again
* I went to the relief Society General Broadcast
* We went to a Diamondbacks game with friends
* I finished my Visiting Teaching for the month (and even reported it, too)
* I got all the meals arranged for Shirley next month and arranged for people to sit with Andrew this week
*Lola came for Sunday dinner
* Dustin made dinner for me to take to Shirley
* We finished up our 72 hour kits for FHE
* Ellie got to go to Build-A-Bear for a birthday party
* My Visting Teachers came
* Brody and Sadie came over to play
* Dustin finished his Home Teaching and did EQ's visits
* We went swimming once
* Dustin went to the gym 10 times. . . me: 0 (but I did lift weights at home)
* We returned some curtains to IKEA, put Ellie in the play center and ate dinner there
* I finished my cards for the card swap
And somewhere in there we managed to clean the house, run errands, do the laundry (one basket still eneds to be folded) and all that other good stuff.
Today's plans:
* Get Ellie to do her homework (check)
* Breakfast, hair, clothes, clean up (check)
* Get Ellie to pre-school (check)
* Take Nate to the park (check)
* Read Scriptures (check)
* Pick Ellie up from Pre-school (check)
* Morning nap for Nate (check)
* Update blog (check)
* Lunch
* Go to Brenda's at 2 to watch Andrew
* Afternoon naps
* Clean house
* Finish Girl School Lesson plan
* Dinner -- Dustin's friend from out of town is coming
* Book club meeting at 8
So I guess I should stop piddling and get busy.