

Happy Halloween!

We've just been partying it up over here. The kid Halloween party went well, except for Nate not wanting to wear his costume, and then we celebrated the rest of Dustin's birthday in style -- take out for us and cereal for the kids. Saturday I had Pack Meeting, so Dustin took the kids out for breakfast and then we spent the rest of the day shopping. That night we went out to celebrate Dustin's birthday with friends. We did dinner and a movie. I'll save you the boring details but it was a fun night -- good food, good comapny, good movie. . .and most importantly: good dessert.

Sunday we celebrated Nate all day. He loved all of his presents and loved his cake even more! It's ice cream cake from Cold Stone, so don't give me any credit for it. Nate loved hearing people sing Happy Birthday to him so much that everyone who called had to sing it multiple times. And he loooooved blowing out the birthday candle (a large pumpkin candle since he looooves pumpkins so much -- he was sad when we went to Target today and all the pumpkins were gone). I can't believe my baby is two!

Today Nate played with his birthday presents some more while Ellie had a little party at school (please note he is wearing ANOTHER Halloween shirt in the picture) and now we're gearing up for the evening. We have a Halloween party/dinner to start. I'm actually MAKING food to bring -- including "Monster Eyes" deviled eggs. Another shocker I know. Then we've got Trick-or-Treating and then we'll finish up the night watching a movie at a friend's house.

Oh, and I HAVE to share what I'm eating right now since a few people who read this blog were MOCKING my love of food this afternoon. YUMMMMM! So delicious. Someone brought me these cookies this afternoon, luckily both the kids were asleep. Hee hee hee.


Kerry said...

I'm coming trick or treating at your house tonight so I can have one of those cookies. Those look really yummy!

When did Nate turn two?!?!? He looks like such a big kid in that picture, and less like baby Nate. That really is amazing.

He looks like he loves those trains. Look out...I know from tons of experience that he has that look in his eye. You'll be so sick of Thomas by the time he turns five! Hahahahaa!

I'm glad you are having a fun night, and I can't wait to see that Halloween picture scrapped! That is adorable!!!!

Unknown said...

I'll post compliments on the kids tomorrow- I'm having to much fun staring at the cookies!

Lisa said...

you like food? who knew?