You know how sometimes you're just so behind and you have so many things to say that you just keep procrastinating? That's me today. I have been doing so many fun things and have so many great things to share, but no energy to upload the pictures and type it all out. So I'll just do the TAG Holly gave me.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago.1. I graduated from High School in Austria
2. I started my freshman year at BYU
3. I lived in Heritage Halls -- an interesting choice for a person who can't cook. Good think I like toast and quesadillas.
4. I had a boy friend who I was sure I was going to marry. HA HA! He went on a mission and I got married before he even came home.
5. I spent that Christmas in Virginia -- in a house I had never been in before and with no one I knew around. Isn't that sad? Luckily I had some friends from college there to keep me company.
5 things on my to do list today.1.Go to the Temple with Molly -- CHECK
we went to the 5:3o session which explains #2
2.Nap while Nate is at Boy School -- CHECK
3. Take Nate and Sadie Christmas shopping for Dustin -- CHECK
4. Pick girls up from school, homework with Ellie and then to piano -- CHECK
5. Fold 3 loads of laundry while watching Harry Potter tonight -- hopefully I can stay awake
5 Snacks I enjoy.1. Dried mangoes from Trader Joe's. Nate and I just finished off a pack ourselves.
2. Cookies -- they HAVE to be warm, and with milk
3. Skinny Cows
4. toast
5. the kid's fruit snacks
5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire.1. Trip around the world. I think I could easily fill up the list with places I want to visit and take my family to see.
2. I'd probably level my house and build a bigger one with a basement so there's be some room for a pool. I don't want to leave my neighborhood though.
3. Bigger car! Who needs to wait?
4. I'd probably spoil all my friends and family for Christmas
5. Vacation home and lots of girl trips!
5 Bad Habits.1. Stressing people out
2. Whining about my weight
3. I don't like to call people to schedule appointments or things so I always procrastinate or make Dustin do it
4. Obsessing
5. Losing my temper
5 Places I have lived.
1. Seoul, Korea
2. Vienna, Austria
3. Pacific Grove, California
4. Chicago, Illinois
5. Aloha, Oregon
I thought I'd skip the obvious ones
5 Job that I have had.
1. Babysitter
2. State Department
3. Telemarketer -- gotta love Provo, they're everywhere and the pay so well
4. 4th grade teacher
5. Mommy
5 things you may not know about me.
I don't know if there is anything people don't know about me, but I'll try
1. I can actually cook really good meatballs
2. I can play the piano -- but I never practice, so I'm not good on the spot
3. I hate socks. I am still wearing flip flops in December because I only own 4 pairs of socks
4. As spotless as I keep my house, right now my bathroom and closet are a disaster because. . . Sadie sleeps in our closet. She's almost 11 months old and she is still in a pack-in-play in our walk-in. In my defense, it has a little nook just for her and she loves how dark and quite it is in there. Nate slept in there from 6-16 months.
5. No one really called me Maddy until I was in High School. I decided that I wanted a nickname, so I did for about 7 years. In college, I decided that I was going to go back to my full name, but it never caught on. I keep thinking I'll do it every time we move. I wonder if I ever actually will?