

Because I can only remember what I have pictures of

So I can barely remember what day it is, much less any fun stories, so you get a blog in pictures. Being "googley" for the 4th time has really cramped my style. I've been sicker, achier, and sleepier than ever before so hopefully you'll all forgive my lack of blog love lately. Oh, also fatter faster than ever before.

I saw these cute ornaments made with kids thumbprints and thought it would be fun to make. Please note that Ellie drew her own snowman face and added a hat. The lips make me laugh. I think I need some sparkly fake snow inside. If only I still had some leftover from my birthday surprise 2 years ago.

We had an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party. I seriously love my friends that they were willing to wear such hideous things. I have pictures of everyone that came, but they are on the Bryner's camera, so for now you just get the two that we took on our camera. Wait until you see the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place outfits. I don't think Janel looks quite ugly enough. Just hot ;D And Amy's cute little shirt actually lit up. Sean is a party pooper obviously. First we played a Christmas movie trivia game. I had audio clips and you had to name the movie Family Feud style. Now tell me, if I played something to the tune of
"You hope while I hurry
You pray while I plan
We’ll do what’s necessary cause
Even a miracle needs a hand"
Would you know what movie that was from? Because NONE of our friend have ever seen it before. You would have thought we made the whole movie up. If only I could write lyrics that awesome. We also did a White Elephant exchange where we came home with a lovely AVON clock which Ellie then stole and took to school because it was so beautiful. The bummer -- it got broken and I had to throw it out. Darn. And by broken, I mean the gold ring around the face came off.

We picked our kids up about midnight from the babysitter's house and NONE of them had fallen asleep, plus they still woke up around 7 am, so church was SUPER fun the next day.

Santa sent us one of those Elves that all our neighbors have -- can you find him? We were so happy to get him because that night the kids cleaned their rooms WITHOUT crying. Emphasis on THAT night. That ONE night.

We named ours Buddy after the movie Elf. Nate named him Nate. So if you call him Buddy, Nate looks at you like he has no idea who you are talking about. Even Sadie has fun trying to find him every morning. One morning he joined our already full nativity. That picture is kind of like a hidden picture. How many things can you find that aren't from the original nativity?? Ellie's Primary teacher gave them each some pieces of her nativity that she added to ours. I love our midget wisemen.

Today has been the 1st day of Winter vacation. Now normally I love vacation, but the sheer number of fights I have broken up today is enough to make me pull my hair out. How does that song go? "And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again." I know we'll eventually settle into a routine of having Ellie home again and the balance shifting. . . probably right before she goes back to school.

On their last day of school -- free dress day WOO HOO -- I helped throw her class party. It included feeding 125 1st Graders breakfast a book exchange, reading The Polar Express -- where they got these lovely, hand-made-by-me, jingle bell necklaces Christmas Bingo and this uber cute craft I found on the internet. E-mail me if you want a template. I thought they were a pretty cute and easy kiddie craft. They're snowman candy bars.

How do I even end this post? Can I just end it? OK, I will.


Chelsea said...

Way to just end it. That awkward long distance never ending call...

Cute ornament!! We have been finger printing lots of crafts lately. I'll have to add that into our mix. And by a lot I don't mean a lot. We just made a lot of the one.
I can't wait to see more ugly sweaters. Man, I am sad we weren't in town! Those parties are always hilarious. (Add another No idea vote to that song you wrote ;))
And can I just also note, that your sister is hilarious and is onto something with this code word "googely." I seriously laugh every single time I hear you say it. Good luck on the sickos...

Anita said...

Oh, I know that's "Twas the night before Christmas" ( I think that's what it's called) with those little mice and the clock. Am I right?? One of my favorite Christmas shows! Your party sounds SO FUN. Also, congratulations on baby almost makes me want to have another--ALMOST.

Lara Neves said...

I've seen those elves, and I want one!

Fun times at your house...hope you get out of the sicky part of the "googley" soon.

ValdiviesoFamily said...

buddy nate creeps me out. i cannot believe you put him near baby jesus. you are so weird. i wish we lived closer. how come i get a sleepover with nate and ellie but not one with you??

Meredith said...

You are a great mama!!! I love the Elf. And the snowman candybar thing was really cute. I always have grand ideas about how fab break is going to be...we will see...

Kathleen said...

that is SO weird that i was signed in as meg. i was in her account to steal pictures to help her make this calendar thing and i didn't even think it would stay logged in!!! oppps!

Lisa said...

you said christmas bingo. hee hee

m = michelle said...


I'm crushed!

Danika said...

Brandon had a great time at the party yesterday. And that snowman candy bar was super cute. It's sitting on my counter just BEGGING me to eat it!

We are also in that "have to get into a new routine and balance of power shift" at our house. I feel your pain there!

Anonymous said...

someone needs more sleep! are you getting enough protein?

Janel said...

OK that picture of me is hideous, and its HUGE!! It seriously scared me when it popped up. EW! I demand you remove it! And Dustin did NOT crop as promised! It was a fun party though :D

I really did think of you when I was doing NOTHING for any of my kids Christmas parties and I know you were probably going above and beyond working your booty off. And I was so right. Now I really do feel guilty. Fortunately (or not) the expectations of the parents are so low here it really lets me off the hook. Next year I am going to really wow them by doing almost half of what you do. It does look fun! Love the candy bars.

Janel said...

YAY You are the best! Thanks!!! Mwah! Merry Christmas!

Holly said...

We did similar ornaments the other night, but with the entire handprint. Maybe I'll do a post...maybe. Hope you start feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

you said christmas bingo. hee hee

Bwahahaha! That was my first thought, too! :D