1. Dustin was out of town which meant I had to cook dinner 4 nights (OK, McDonald's was in there once). I was making meatballs one night and didn't have bread crumbs, so I thought I'd just use the leftover cornbread. BIG MISTAKE. Meatballs with cornbread do not taste delicious.
2. I took Luke in for a 3 month weight check and GERD medicine upgrade. He's up to 12 lbs 3 oz and in the 25th percentile. I know it's not as big as some people's babies, but considering he was once below the 5th, we'll take it! He's still a stinker when it comes to eating, but everyone has to have one flaw right?? He's so sweet and smiley and easy going. I love his little laugh and coos. I'm so sad every time I realize he's my last baby.
3. Nate started soccer this week. Because Susan and I waited until the last minute to sign the kids up, we had to "play up" to get them on the same team. They'll be the youngest kids on the team, but I figure at this age it doesn't matter much. His team is so cute and his coach is amazing. During a water break I looked over at and the coach's daughter was giving Nate a little back massage. I wish I had snapped a picture of that.
Nate LOVES his uniform and had to put it on as soon as they got it. He even wore the socks to bed. He also has had a haircut since this picture where he wanted his hair to "look like fire."
4. Ellie had her first sleepover of the school year with Caroline and Lindsay while their parents were in Utah for a little R&R. Dustin was off at a fantasy football draft so we had the Haymonds over for dinner, a movie, popcorn and cookies. I made 45 snickerdoodles and while Karen, Luke and I were in my bedroom hanging out, they ate EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. 8 kids, 45 cookies. No wonder Sadie was up until eleven!
The next day we went over to Molly's and did it all again. Swimming, dinner (even did pizza again), movie and cookies. So I found it funny when they whined about #5.
5. This Friday was the first night in over a month where we didn't have 2 or 3 things scheduled. We ended up having a bunch of friends over to play games last night.
We had so much fun. I just love my friends! We played Mafia, Telephone Charades (anyone else have awesome Union Square memories of those games?) and when the crowd dwindled to 8 we got out Saboteur. I'm always looking for new fun party games. Anyone suggestions?? What do you love to play when you have a people over?
you know how i feel about nate playing soccer: GIVE ME MORE OF IT!
sadie baby's hair is getting SOOOO long.
where are the other two?
Your kids are so so cute. I really like Jacksons face in the soccor picture! Thanks for hosting the game noght, it was so much fun.
Love the soccer pics! Those two are so cute! I really noticed that Luke is getting bigger, way to go! Thanks for the sleepoever with the girls, helped me out a ton!!!! And of course Game Night was The Best Night I have had in a while!
does nate have shin guards yet?
Way to go Luke puttin' on the pounds! And I like fire hair.
Sounds like fun :). And good to know about the meatballs, not that I have ever been brave enough to make them. They seem tricky. And I love Nate's comment about his hair looking like fire - awesome!
Sounds like fun times! We played Mafia for the first time since Union Square a few weeks ago. I forgot how funny that game is, and how bad I stink when I try to lie!
Fun update. Nate is going to be a great soccer player...with all that energy he has! I'm loving the "fire" hair.
I just want to hold Luke so bad are you bringing him with you in Feb? Or anyone else? I'm soooo excited to see you. We will totally hit the outlets. Maybe we will have some money next semester!
Just looking at that last picture makes me want to make cookies just so I can lick the beaters. Hmmm...
Nate's a rockin' little soccer player.
How do you play Saboteur. That sounds fun. Or maybe I just like to sabotage things.
i love the soccer shots -- nate is working so hard. and nothing better than cookie dough on the tile! love you! Grammie
You guys always seem so busy. Nate's soccer pictures are too cute. Now I have a craving for snickerdoodles!
#1 - People actually make meatballs? I thought you just got them from the freezer section at the grocery store. Hmm.
#2 - I thought you said Sadie was going to be your last baby...
#3 - VIVA ROMA!!
#4 - Isn't Ellie the easy one? She can feed herself, dress herself, go to the bathroom by herself, if you sleep in you can count on her not to tear the entire house apart.
#5 - I'm really sad I missed the PAR-TAY. I'm going to come stag next time!
Nate's playing for San Tan? Hey- maybe we'll finally see each other again! Ryan's reffing now, so I'll be around the fields off and on on Saturdays. Send me his schedule, and I'll try and find you!
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