

Brag alert

I was reading a friend's blog and she was bragging about her little girl and I thought it was so sweet. And then I realized that I had plenty to brag about my little girl, too, so why not!

Ellie got her midterm report home last week and it was perfect! Well, there were the two E-, but I figure she got off lucky seeing as she is my daughter and I have a tendency to talk in class myself.

You can also see that she got a handwriting award. When she wrote her name, she didn't have any letters sinking or flying away. Kindergarten is hard work! I have to revel in all of this now because I fear for the day Nate goes to school. And also because as I type this Ellie is giving me a fit about doing her homework.

Ellie also started piano lessons last month. One Sunday I told my neighbor Janel that I wanted her to start teaching piano so Ellie could take lessons, and wouldn't you know it, she agreed! She must love me! I don't even have to get in my car!!! Ellie looooves piano lessons. She can't wait for Tuesdays, practices without me asking and even draws Janel pictures. Yesterday she did her homework in about 15 minutes because she couldn't wait to go to her lessons.

Yeah for Ellie! And please forgive the skuzzy hair. After 3 recesses in the 112 degree heat, the hair doesn't quite stand up.


Chelsea said...

Way to go Ellie girl! And I love your creative angle on the picture of her grades. Super cute. And what an accomplishment to get an E-. Way better than the S+. Sorry, but I thought that was pretty funny! That is so awesome that Janel is teaching her piano! Janel is amazing. What does she not do? When I grow up I want to be her. And lastly (because remember I am the award winning commentier) I just wanted to note that it is 76 right now! :) We won't discuss the humidity....but still WAY better than 187!

Ammon said...

Ellie is amazing! I can only hope that Carly's school experiences are as positive.

Anonymous said...

What kind of mom are you to let your daughter's hair look like that? LOL you're a nerd! I am so excited for her and piano lessons! Too cool!

Janel said...

Are you excusing my hair in the picture too?? Well you should because it needs to be excused! LOL Nice cleavage :P

Just so you know Ellie is by far my most dedicated student. And I LOVE her pictures!!! GO ELIIE!! SHe will be getting the princess out of the prize jar FOR SURE. :D

laura said...

yay ellie! that is great that she likes piano so much. she is a real cutie! :)

Lisa Brown said...

What a sweetheart! I wish I had someone here to give Lily piano lessons. I still can't get over that she has homework everyday in kindergarten! Crazy!

PS. Don't apologive for her end of the day hair - there are days when Lily's hair only lasts though breakfast - he he! I figure, as long as it looked presentable at one point, it doesn't matter what they do to it after, since at least I tried.

Unknown said...

I love that she got an award for her writing. She must take after her mother ;p Also, I'm so glad she's taking piano. It will benefit her so much. I can't decide if I should teach Wilson to play or if I should find him a teacher? Hmmm...

Unknown said...

Have you been in the classroom after lunch? It's not a pretty sight. Red, sweaty faces, messed up hair and dirty socks. At least they don't smell yet... ;)

Congrats on the handwriting award and good progress report and happy piano lessons!