


This weekend's entertainment was graciously provided by our Ward, and every bit of it was fun! Friday night the Relief Society had a speaker come in and talk about parenting techniques. Not only was she an amazing speaker, but the Ward also provided dinner and babysitting. It wasn't anything I didn't already know, but I definitely needed a reminder. I think we all want to be the best parents, we just forget what to do sometimes. So I loved it and she was really fun to listen to.

Saturday I went in for my "My husband went on a trip and the kids gave me a zillion knots in my back" massage and then we went to our Ward Party. It was a picnic dinner and then swimming. They rented out one of the local pools, so the kids had an awesome time. Ellie just went down the water slide again and again, everyone else held Sadie and Nate just ran around with the younger kids, so I was pretty much kid free all evening.

One more announcement! My baby sister is getting married. At least according to her facebook profile. I saw "engaged" on there and called her up and screamed and shouted at her for not telling me that he had proposed. Turns out, she doesn't have the ring yet, so there were no major developments. We've actually known for weeks she was getting married. I am having so much fun helping her plan her wedding though. I've already spent too many hours browsing the internet for ideas! If only I were as cool as Lisa, I'd be making things too. ;p


Chelsea said...

No one told me there was a ward party going on. How dare they?! And 2 nights in a row?! RUDE! :) Hope you had fun. Congrats to your sister! What a fun time!

Unknown said...

Congrats to her! And it cracks me up how much she looks like Ellie in that photo... :)

Lisa said...

i am sure the things you make will be like martha stewart on crack and will make mine look like martha's cell mate! :)

Ammon said...

FUN weekend... I mean the massage and not having the kids part!

Lisa Brown said...

Oh, I need a massage! Good for you, taking care of yourself :).

Janel said...

Oh yeah big sister of the bride...Its a HUGE job!!!! And quite thankless, if you ask me. BUt we love the litle gals so we have to step up. What kind of things are you gonna make??? Where is she getting married??

I guess you had a funner weekend than I did. The swim party was pretty cool....and how cute is that pic of Cooper and the girls?? What a ladies man!!! LOL

Unknown said...

I remember when she visited us in Union Square. She was just a young teen back then! Is it time for her to be married already?! That's very exciting for you guys:-)