

Books, books and more books!

Yes, there is a theme to this post

1. Book club -- we've got our book club coming up next week and at the end we always try to decide on our next book. Usually we sit around for hours and can never really decide, but I know a lot of you out there are avid readers and have your own book clubs, so I'm looking for some suggestions I can bring with me. We read just about anything and everything. We've read classics like Wuthering Heights and Great Expectations all the way to Harry Potter and the Twighlight series. Fiction books like The Alchemist, Kite Runner, The 5 People You'll Meet in Hevaen. . . We've done self help books -- Dr. Laura, Love and Logic, Bonds that make us Free, The Millionaire Woman Next Door, religious books, non-fiction books. . . basically we do anything.

So does anyone out there have some great recommendations for us?

2. My uber-talented friend Michelle's book just hit the shelves. I am so excited for her. The book is named Lifted and it's for all the scrapbookers out there. Basically it's about "scraplifting" a page and making it your own. She's got some really awesome ideas in there and I'm so excited to actually see it in print after all her hard work.

Congratulations Michelle! I'll definitely be making my way to Mesa/ Scrapbooks Etc. to see it on the shelves.

3. And last but not least. . . My Aunt Kristine is extremely generous and always the send the kids lots of packages, which they LOVE. Gifts, cookies, holiday decorations. . .she really is so sweet and so thoughtful and my kids adore her. Recently she sent a bunch of gifts for the kids and I saved the books to stick in their Easter baskets.

One of the books was this little cutie to the left. It has a fuzzy little puppy face on the front and Sadie really loved to touch it. Later on during the day, Sadie was wandering around the house with the book whining, "BOOK" to try and find someone to read it to her. Ellie starts reading it to her and I thought she was making up the words to try to be funny. "Read the right words!" I yelled at her. Turns out she was.

My Puppy by Salina Yoon

I go walking down the street. I have things to do and people to meet.

First things first, what's that I see? A fire hydrant -- time to go pee!

A couple of friends come down my way. They tickle me -- it's fun to play!

Back to business, one-two-three. Look what I made -- a little poopy!

I always want to come back home. I get a big hug and a juicy bone!

Now my Aunt is a phlebotomist, so she very well may have known the book talked about bodily functions because she has always entertained us with us with songs about these things, but I'm guessing she just though the book looked cute and bought it without reading it. Either way, it is a source of great entertainment! And I'm sure to find out since she reads this blog. I expect a call soon Kristine!


Kathleen said...


Ammon said...

That book is so funny... perfect for the potty humor that resides in my house!

Chelsea said...

I LOVE the bodily fuction book. Fit's right in with the whole STD lesson you recently got! :) Have you seen the book "who pooped on my head?" it's a riot.
Congrats to your friend Michelle! That is so awesome!
And book suggestions: We have done recently for our book club:The glass castle (by Jeanette Walls), Rebecca (by Daphne Du Mueirer last name may be butchered),and current read is The Miracles of Santo Fico (by D.L. Smith).
Coming up books we are doing are Pillars of the Earth, The Choice, Left to die,
And another friend recommended 19 seconds, but said it's too cussey pants for book club. I guess it drops the F bomb a lot. It's about a high school shooting. On my own I just read The Lovely Bones. It was too racey for our little book club here, but I am racey I suppose (I did have an STD ya know) I am curious if anyone else has read it.

And back to April fools:

That by far takes the cake for best ever prank!!!

Lara Neves said...

I chose the book for our book club this month (that's how we do it...whoever hosts, chooses) and I chose Life of Pi. Excellent read...and clean enough for book group in the ward.

I'm reading right now the Lovely Bones and the Time Traveler's Wife. Both interesting reads, but probably not appropriate. I know our RS requires that the books not have any (or very little) cussing and absolutely no "steamy" stuff. :)

Rickie said...

That is really hillarious! I am glad you wrote that one down. Kids books these days. I saw one in the library called, "my grandma likes to gamble" which actually fits my mother. and one called "all about farts" What will they come up with next? Thanks for writing this down, it made my day!

Amy F. said...

I guess that's the closest Nate will have to getting a dog, right? Good thing too (yes, I agree -Dogs are messy and stinky... but so cute!)

swampbaby said...

LOL on that little book. As far as "grown up" book suggestions - I LOVED LOVED LOVED "The Book Thief". And "Infidel" was also really interesting. I'm almost done with "Blowing My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy" which is a true story. It's pretty good (not on my favorite list), but quite a bit of language, though.

Sara said...

We need the update from Aunt Kristine! That is too funny.

laura said...

lol! ;)

yay for michelle's book!!! :) :)

Lisa Brown said...

I am still laughing about the book! And about the book, we read a few recently for book club that were great . . . The Glass Castle, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Stolen Lives - 20 Years in a Desert Jail, The Hero and the Crown . . . I could go on, but I hope those ideas help :).