

The last 5 pounds

Ahhhh gym -- how I loathe thee. I don't understand how people *like* the gym. I never have and I don't think I ever will. I don't get any excitement from running on the treadmill and I'm way too clumsy to be taking any classes. Before I got pregnant with Sadie, I was in great shape and running 3 miles every day. Then I got to be about 4 months pregnant and my muscles ached every time I went to the gym and I could barely walk for days afterward, so I stopped going. Now Sadie is 7 months old and my gym attendance has been sporadic. Not only that, but I've got a few more pounds to lose and they're all centered around my stomach.

So now that school is in, Nate's little rotation of things are going and Sadie is back on schedule. . . I'm hitting the gym. I just started back this week and I was saddened to find that somewhere over the summer, they've gotten rid of the trashy magazines. One of the only perks of going to the gym is the ability to read all the tabloids without shame! How will I ever know what Jennifer Anniston is doing or what the celebrity babies are buying? Is Paris making good on her promise to stay out of trouble? I had to read some Martha Stewart magazine -- the family version. OKay, actually it was really good and I'm thinking of getting a subscribtion. But seriously people -- why take away my one gym joy?


Ammon said...

Hah, this is funny because I'm actually on my out to go to the gym. I'll be thinking of you as I march up and up and up on the stairmaster and I watch the Step class that will be in session. Good news... Entertainment Tonight will be on while I'm working out!

Casey said...

Okay where are you hiding these so called last 5 pounds? You definitely look great right now! And I'm with you on the trashy mags - I just feel out of sorts if I don't know what Brangelina and TomKat are up to ;).

Janel said...

How do you read while working out??? I'd barf if I tried to read while on a treadmill or elliptical!

swampbaby said...

May I suggest for all your celebrity-dirt-seeking pleasure? :-)

laura said...

i am LOL at this post... but only because we are getting STAR magazine this summer while we are housesitting! i have never in my life known so much about the sex, drugs, and rock and roll of the stars! :)

good luck with that last 5 pounds. i officially hate you. i have about 5x's that to lose, and my "baby" is four! :P

Kerry said...

I'm with Laura. My baby is 4, and I have a lot to get rid of too. If you weren't so dang nice I would hate you too. :p

I can't believe they would take away the trashy magazines!! I don't know what I'd do when I get my hair done if I didn't have the trashy magazines to read!!! I'd go crazy!

Lisa Brown said...

You are hilarious! I feel the same way about the magazines in the doctor's office. Although, the last time I went all they had were business and sports magazines. I need a new doctor :).

Anonymous said...

Whatever Maddy.....the last five pounds are in your boobies. And if I were you....I'd leave them there! Hee hee. Love you....and your boobs. Snort!

Lisa said...

i hate gyms too. this is when the ipod comes in handy! if your gym has a dropbox for ideas you should beg for people magazine to come back! ha

Unknown said...

I hate gyms too and working out. Why do we do it?! Oh and I read the tabloids in the line at the grocery store. Great way to pass the time.