


I love to scrapbook and make cards and cute little decorations and all that stuff -- but kid crafting is a whole new thing to me. I really like things to be perfect, which usually doesn't work well in school/church settings. Unfortunately for me, I have spent the last 3 days entrenched in kids crafts.

Thursday I get an e-mail from Ellie's room mom telling us that the Miss Kogel's door needs to be decorated Friday afternoon. The theme is "solid gold" so her plan is stick up some wrapping paper and stick gold coins on the door. I don't think she realizes that this is over-achiever school and that is not going to fly. Plus I know a few other room moms and I knew they were going all out for the door. I called Mer and we brainstormed a little, came up with a theme and I e-mailed the room mom. She loved it, long story short, I ended up doing the whole thing on less that 24 hours notice. I don't think I would be so cranky about it if the room mom had stayed to help me put the door up, but she totally ditched me too! Every other mom is gone and done because they've had the stinking thing planned all week and it completely stressed me out. In the end, I relied on 4th graders and Kinders to help me glue the stuff up. I don't have high hopes for the door staying together over the weekend. But it looked cute when I was done!

On the bottom are little shamrocks, I HAND freaking CUT, and I ran in Friday morning and had the kids write some nice things about her on them. One of the boys wrote: You are big. I know he was being nice, but it made me laugh. And BTW, she's not big at all, she's adorable!

I've also been getting the stuff ready for our Primary Mother's Day craft. If you're in our Ward and want to be surprised next Sunday, read no further!

We're sining, "I Often Go Walking," and having the kids hold a flower out at the end. So tomorrow for Sharing Time the kids are making the paper flowers. I went on a bazillion sites to figure out how to make paper tissue flowers and they all made it sound so easy. I, however, cannot seem to make them look cute. I guess that's what the kids are for! I got to reuse the tissue paper from the door and I even found some cool bling to put in the center of the flowers for cheap. Then we're going to attach safety pins to the back and the kids can pin them on their moms. As modeled by me ;p
In my head these were all going to be so fabulous looking, but I hate having to face reality. . . Plus I remember that they're all going to be thrown away soon and suddenly perfection seems overrated.

At least they're done!


Lara Neves said...

I think they are totally fabulous looking, ms. perfectionist. :)

Rickie said...

You are such an over-achiever and so talented at whatever you do. Those flowers are such a good idea, I love it (so I know the mom's will, too). You do such a good job at that kind of stuff. I would rate you as super-crafty if you asked me.

Janel said...

It's a good thing I have HUGE boobs so I can fit all 5 on my shirt! :D I think they look awesome!

Kaelene said...

Maddy, you could teach Martha a thing or two! (Remember how she has her "people" do all the work??)
Those flowers are AWESOME!! What website did you find the destructions on?? My cousin has been trying to make those!

The Tyler's said...

They look perfect to me...really! I love the thing in the middle.
That pic of Sadie and Nate dancing is too die for!

Ann said...

I had to do Miss Kogel's door last is pretty nerve wracking because you don't want "your" door to not even come close to comparing in cuteness to the others. Yours looks really cute! Also, I love the flowers for Mother's Day! I can't wait to get mine.

Anonymous said...

The door looks fabulous and the flowers are cute!!! No more stressing! I know I should tell that to myself.

Lisa Brown said...

That door turned out fabulous! And why were you decorating it in the first place - just a random question. Did parents ever decorate your classroom door? I never had any do mine, but then, I might have had a hard time trusting a random parent to do it - control thing :). (That said, if I had you to decorate my door, I would have totally had parents do it.)

And I am with you on kid crafts. I have a hard time not taking over and doing it "perfect" when I do crafts with Lily. I guess it is the control thing again :). I am getting better though.

Meredith said...

The door turned out fabulous! You should be proud. And the flowers...they are darling too and well, we are glad the kids in our ward sort of know the songs they will be singing in church next Sunday for Mother's day! At least we have the Priesthood taking primary over! THAT is exciting!

Chelsea said...

I love you. You absolutely crack me up. "hand freaking cut" "i hate to face reality" "perfection seems overrated"
There were more, but those were my fav.

Rach said...

I love those shamrocks that you "hand freaking cut"!!And the Mother's day idea is so totally cute. You always go above and beyond.

Kathleen said...

of course you're good at everything AND beautiful. i hate you sometimes.