If I want to live up to my daughter's expectations of me. That girl is seriously my Jimminy Cricket. I'm a total Sudoku nerd -- I have 5 or 6 books scattered around the house that I'll just randomly pick up and do. The kids love to imitate me, so I let them play with the ones in th front of the book -- you know the really easy ones, that way I don't feel like I'm wasting a puzzle. Anyway, the other day at Barnes and Noble I picked up this AWESOME new book full of Sudoku variations. I'm addicted to it. Today, Ellie wanders over and picks up the book to start doing a puzzle. I explain to her that it is my new favorite book and so she can't play with it. She then says, "Mooooom," (in that silly exasperated voice that kids use when they think you are being so crazy) "This isn't your favorite book, your favorite book is the scriptures."
Dustin overhearing the conversation, then tells me about their conversation on the way to the store.
Dustin: Ellie what are you doing?
Ellie: Just thinking.
Dustin: What are you thinking about?
Ellie: I don't know, just thinking.
Ellie: Dad, do you know what I think about the most?
Dustin: What?
Ellie: Jesus.
Another moment from this week: During dinner, we put Ellie by the TV and turn on the Show Tunes channel which rarely has any songs we know. Who knew there were so many obscure musicals (but I digress). Anyway, this lead to a discuss at the table about which musical has the best songs. Ellie then chimes in, "Jesus has the best songs. Like, "I am a Child of God." That's a pretty good one."
Ok, so usually it's pretty cute, but every now and then she totally catches me being a bad example. I was mad at Dustin one morning (obviously over something dumb because I can't even think of what it possibly could have been), so while we were pulling out of the garage, Ellie tells me to say good bye to Daddy. I told her I was a little upset with Daddy at the moment. She then tells me, "Jesus would want you to forgive Daddy. Jesus wouldn't ever be mad with Daddy."
Or the day when I was angry with the kids and trying to get them in the car (maybe I should avoid getting in the car and I would never get frustrated?). Nate had gone in the front of the car while I was putting Sadie in and trying to get Ellie out of Reggie (the toy Hummer) and he turned the steering wheel so it locked. We were super late and I could not get the steering wheel unlocked, so I was kind of lecturing the kids and being a little snippy. Ellie then pipes in, "Maybe we should say a prayer mom." I was still in a bad mood, so I told her to go ahead and say a prayer (meanwhile in my head I'm trying to come up with the world's worst punishment for their bad behavior). I kid you not, the steering wheel unlocks the SECOND Ellie starts to say her prayer.
PS the pictures are of her new shoes. Aren't they "posh?" And I'll add a cute picture of Sadie and her new hair bow. . . just for kicks! Love that girl. Even if she is on a napping strike.
that hair bow is taking over her entire head. ellie is so righteous!!! i love that girl! and you all look so tan! where is the nate love?
love, lola
I know exactly who Ellie is going to grow into someday! My former visiting teacher!! LOL! She sounds just like her!! - It sounds like that girl is really paying attention in primary!! The stories are cute!
I love hearing about Nate going to the front of the car. Boys can't help it. They LOVE that steering wheel don't they?
Sadie looks adorable in her bow! Very classy black and white! ;)
Don't you hate it when your kids parent you! But how can I get upset with them when they are so right? I guess every now and then we all need to learn something...even if it is by our kids!
ellie sounds so much like brianne it's scary! although brianne is an awesome girl so it's all good!!
You are a bloggin fool now Maddy! I can't even keep up with you! LOL Wooooo! Hooooo!
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