

You be the judge

Is my friend Lisa a great big nerd, or the best friend EVAH?

About a month ago, I get a package in the mail from my friend Lisa. It's got an ADORABLE dress for Sadie in it. So so so cute. Then a few weeks later, I'm reading her blog and I see she's made these cute onesies. I want one. I covet them. I make a comment on her blog about being greedy. She immedieatley e-mails me that she was going to make me some, but she bought the wrong size onesies and so instead she sent me the dress. Now that she knows that I want some, she will make me some. Of course, I feel guilty because she already got me a present. A beautiful wonderful present. But I still want one, so I ask her to make me just one.

Today the door bell rings. It's a package. From Lisa!!!

Seriously, aren't they so cute?? I love them! I can't believe she sent me five. So you decide -- total uber nerd or super cool over achiever? Thanks Lisa! I loooove them! MWAH!


Anonymous said...

I vote a really cool and wonderful friend!

Kerry said...

They are SUPER CUTE!!

Psst. You want to know a secret? I told her that they were so cute that I was going to make some for ME! I bought a few white shirts and the Heidi stamps. Of course, I'm not making the BABY one! LOL!

They look very vacation-ish. And I'm sure the palm tree will look much smaller on me! haha!

I can't wait to see Sadie in them!

Lisa said...

my vote is for uber nerd!! totally...

Anonymous said...

why are all your friends so crafty?

laura said...

she is a nerd, but she is kewl too!

Anonymous said...

super cool over achiever - that's my vote :)


Anonymous said...

uber nerd (secretly wishing I had a baby just to dress it in one of these!)

Ammon said...

My vote: over achiever!(or atleast I sure hope so...otherwise I'm a HUGE under achiever!)