Today was Dr. Seuss Day at school, so Ellie got to wear her PJs and bring her pillow to school. Always a fun day when they get to wear something other than red, white and blue.
Nate has had an AWESOME Friday if you ask me, although he probably thinks it has been marred by nap time. Remember how I had to buy those Reeses Puffs because they had NASCAR on the front? Well inside the box was a matchbox car with the Cheerioes theme on. It was actually really cute and Nate loved it. He slept with it, ate with it. . basically carried the thing around everywhere. On the back it showed the 5 different types of cars you could collect and he kept telling us he was going to get them all. He was bordering on obsession. The only problem was, he was continually losing it everywhere he went. I was sick of searching for the dang car! One night he lost it before bed and cried himself to sleep, so Dustin ran to Fry's to see if he could find any more boxes of cereal with those cars inside. Couldn't find one box. Happily, I found the car in the middle of the night when he got up to use the bathroom.
Last night I finally took the kids back to Target to see if I could find any more. Checked the cereal aisle -- none. And trust me, I was digging through the boxes looking. Then I checked the end caps. Nada. Finally as we're about to check out, I see a display of cereal and I dig through it. There are SIX boxes of Cheerioes with the NASCAR promotion. I bought them all up.
This morning I opened the first one. Luckily the cars were outside the bag of cereal so I didn't have to dig through all the cereal to find the prize. First one has a Golden Grahams car. Open the second box -- Reeses Puffs car. Third box -- Fruity Cheerioes car. Fourth box -- Cinnamon Toast Crunch car. So basically in 5 boxes, I got all 5 cars. Does that ever happen? I am still in shock.
Am I the only mom in the world crazy enough to do this? Have you ever collected an entire series for your kids? Also, I have a lot of Cheerioes if anyone needs any.
So Nate's morning consisted of playing with his new cars, playgroup, lunch with friends at McD's and then he had his preliminary speech evaluation. Basically she didn't think he was that bad and may not qualify for anything until Kindergarten. It put my mind at ease a little bit more. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.
And in 3 hours, date night begins! What are you plans for this sunny Friday?